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Locking Data Problem

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Hi guys,

I'm working with a Material Hierarchy (Main Group (MG)(0PRODH1), Group(G) (0PRODH2), Subgroup (0PRODH3) (SG) and Mat (0MATERIAL). In my Planning package I have a specific Hierarchy Node for 0MATERIAL.

I need to perform a calculation in different levels: For example:

If I use Fox Formula I can get passed a data record like:

MG, G, SG, Mat, Qty and MG, #, #, #, Qty

But If use User Exit I can only see a data record like:

MG, G, SG, Mat, Qty and Not MG, #, #, #, Qty (because in this case the Mat is # (empty).

To get around of that I put # in the Material Hierarchy for testing, but now I having problem with locking.

Is there any other solution for that?

I'll appreciate your comments.

Thank you,


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Answers (2)

Former Member
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Heverton means a FUNCTION of type EXIT...

Active Contributor
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which user exit are you talking about?



SAP NetWeaver RIG

Former Member
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Just a Function type Exit.

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the transaction data records are the same whether you work with FOX or exit functions.

If the "fields to be changed" settings are different for the functions, then the records are grouped differntly and therefore passed in different set to FOX and the exit.

I suggest to take a look at the BW370 training class, which explains this concept and has examples.



SAP NetWeaver RIG