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Browse deployment iview

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I want to create an user that not have all System Administrator, only System Administrator -> Support -> Portal Runtime -> Browse deployment (download .par). How can I create this iview? I found in the Java Development -> Component Inspector, that the .par associate with the Browse deployment iview is, but when I create the iview from Portal Archive, I don’t find How can I create the Browse deployment iview?

Thanks in advance

Maria Teresa

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Former Member
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Hi Detlev,

Thanks for the information, its very sad to know that these things are not documented.

Do I have the permission to ask you, how you knew about it? Was it with extrapolation of some documentation provided by SAP and experience and trial and error?



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Gaurav,

> how you knew about it? Was it with extrapolation of

> some documentation provided by SAP and experience and

> trial and error?

First, I thought it might be some very special security setting (System Admin - Permission - Portal Permissions - Applications). But from the settings I saw there, it would appear in the list.

So two possibilities left: Some hard coded exclusion (not that probable, but who knows) or some definition within the corresponding portalapp.xml. One look into the portalapp.xml, where only two properties have been the candidates, testing them with an own developed app, and after that, searching for the property on SDN. In the forums you will find another two posts containing this property, one by Karsten Stombrowski, confirming what I have found out.

That's all In the end, I would call it "trouble-shooting experience"...

Hope it helps


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Gaurav and Detlev,

Thanks a lot for your help. I want to know another things, the user that has the browse iview can download all the .par, there is a way to give permissions to download only some .par?

Thanks in advance

Maria Teresa

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Maria,

> there is a way to give permissions

> to download only some .par?

No, but it wouldn't be that hard to develop some own iView with such a possibility, a bit less generic than the "browse deployment" iView but a bit more generic concerning the restrictions who is allowed to download what.

An alternative could be to create a CM fsdb repository and to attach the folder in question. By this, you could define who has the right to download what by setting the rights per ACL.

A ZIP-download-command isn't provided by SAP till now (as far as I know), but it easy to implement one.

Hope it helps


PS: You don't forget to say "thanks a lot" the SDN-way - by rewarding points...?!

Former Member
0 Kudos

Ok ... Got it ... small things carry so much importance ...



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Detlev,

Thanks for the answer. Is it possible for me to give you points? If yes, then I'll surely do so.

Nevertheless, could you please let me know, where is this information maintained in SAP documentation sites?



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Gaurav,

> Is it possible for me to give you points?

No, only Maria is able to do so.

> where is this information maintained

> in SAP documentation sites?

The link you presented only reports about the attributes of a property, not about the property itself.

As far as I can see, this is not documented at all.

Hope it helps


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Maria,

the component in question has the following lines in it's portalapp.xml:

<property name="" value="platform">
  <property name="inheritance" value="final"/>

This leads to the fact you realized - one cannot create an iView out of it.

You could import the PAR in question into NWDS/Eclipse (take care, NWDS does not import the JARs needed, you will have to put them manually under a <i><u>ex</u>lib</i> directory within the public/private part of the project), delete these lines and redeploy the PAR (better under a different name, so that this won't get overridden by a patch).

Now everything should work.

Hope it helps


PS: Please consider rewarding points for helpful answers on SDN. Thanks in advance!

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Maria,

First of all, thanks for the intriguing question. I really had to invest a lot of time into it and was very fruitful for me ... maybe I can reward you points for it ...

Unfortunately, I have an answer to your question, but donno whether you would be happy with the solution.

Here goes :-

1. You were right in saying that for creating iView from par file, the PAR "" doesn't appear in the list. I am trying to find out the reason why and there has to be one as there are many PAR in EP which don't appear in the list.

2. Then I tried to focus on the "PROBLEM" and not the solution. The outcome desired is that you need the feature available on your page. In this case you can copy the iView "Portal Content->Content provided by SAP->Admin Interfaces->Admin iView Templates->Browse Deployment" and use it in your page ... either delta link (which is recomendded) or copy.

Hope this answer suffices your need.

Please revert in case you are not satisfied.

