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Init to deltas

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Suppose i have inits scheduled for 01.01.2004 to 12.07.2005( for purchasing datasources.

When the inits are successful(after the setup run in r/3 with no selection condition). i will schedule delta on a daily basis.

Will this delta also pull in records for dates from 12.07.2005 onwards?

What do i need to do to include data till current date when the delta's are running fine with above selections?(both on r/3 & bw side?)

Can someone give a detail procedure for the same.


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Hi Aby,

As per my understanding ran initial upto 12.07.2005 and you want delta to be pull 12.07.05 records + onwards right??

If you are doing it by using Generic data Extraction..then you can keep security intervals to achieve this...

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Thanks. It's not a generic extractor.

just wanted to know, will the delta pull records even for the dates after the range mentioned(or just the changes to these records in this range?) in the init or what do i need to do in any such case(for eg for data after 12.07)?

Say if it was a particular fiscperiod range instead of the doc dates mentioned.

A very basic question probably.....


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Delta will pull any new records and only the changes to the data uploaded by Init. So dont worry your delta will upload only the changed data(if any) and new data from 12.07.



Dont forget to assign points if it helpes

Message was edited by: Rohini Garg

Active Contributor
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When you init what happens is that a pointer for the init is stored as the point of last delta and every new records from that date / timestamp / pointer is retrieved when you do delta.


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With delta extraction, only new data or data that has changed since the last extraction is loaded into SAP BW. Data that has already been loaded and has not changed is not extracted and does not need to be deleted before a new load.

The respective extractors read the for example Financial Accounting transaction figures directly from the SAP R/3 tables. A time stamp on the transaction figures determines the delta dataset.

Hope this helps.



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Hello rohini,

thanks a lot.

how do i track changes to the new records those will be added after 12.07 as a part of delta?

As i dont have init condition including dates after 12.07, how can i load the changes as well for these records in future?


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"how do i track changes to the new records those will be added after 12.07 as a part of delta?

As i dont have init condition including dates after 12.07"

<i>Have you done the init upload by specifying the date range in selection option in infopacakge?

If you have done that, then you will not be able to do delta upload from the dates 12.07 and it will only upload only the changed data till 12.07. If you want to continue with the delta for all the dates then dont mention any date range in inti request.</i>

"how can i load the changes as well for these records in future?"

<i>You need not do any thing to upload your changed records. Delta upload will automatically take care of it.</i>



Message was edited by: Rohini Garg

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello rohini,

some confusion still remains!!

just to note what i understand:

In case if i have done inits using doc date range(till 12.07.05), and then have scheduled delta on daily basis,

this delta will pull all the records which have changed in the specified range( in the init) and also the new records from 12.07?

also if i need to track changes done to these new records(after 12.07) in future, what exactly i need to do?

Do i need to again schedule inits?, but then with what range? i don't want to repeat the data already in the cube!!

Please guide,

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"In case if i have done inits using doc date range(till 12.07.05), and then have scheduled delta on daily basis,

this delta will pull all the records which have changed in the specified range( in the init) and also the new records from 12.07?"

<i>Will upload only the changed data(data lying in the spcefied date range) and no new data</i>

"also if i need to track changes done to these new records(after 12.07) in future, what exactly i need to do?"

<i>What exactly you want to trace?</i>

"Do i need to again schedule inits?, but then with what range? i don't want to repeat the data already in the cube!!"

<i>Aby you cannt have multiple init load in a single data target. So i would suggest you to do inti load with out spciefying any date range. That will do init upload till date and then delta upload will continue uploading changed data and as well as new records of any date.</i>


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Hi Aby,

> Delta Updates always extracts data ONLY for the selection used while doing the Init.

> If you want to load history and continue with delta from that point. You can do a Full load for the history, and then continue with Delta from that point (without any selection) by doing a Init without delta Transfer. This will setup delta from that point. You can schedule your daily Delta then.

Remember, if your Target is ODS then you have to take care of steps in OSS note 689964 too while switching from Full to Delta.



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I wonder if this will work.

<i>"Aby you cannt have multiple init load in a single data target. So i would suggest you to do inti load with out spciefying any date range. That will do init upload till date and then delta upload will continue uploading changed data and as well as new records of any date."</i>

I believe, you cannot use overlapping Selection Criterias while doing multiple Inits. Using Date Range in first init and not using any selection in the Second is obviously overlapping selection.



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<i>"I believe, you cannot use overlapping Selection Criterias while doing multiple Inits. Using Date Range in first init and not using any selection in the Second is obviously overlapping selection."</i>

Sorry Sree i got confused with your reply. Could you explain again what you want to say. To my understanding we both are giving same explaination.



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IMO, You can not do 2 inits, one with a Particular Date range and other without any Date Range. Because, you can not use overlapping selections when doing multiple inits from a InfoSource.



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Sree thats what i mean to say Aby

<i>"Aby you <b>cannt</b> have multiple init load in a single data target. So i would suggest you to do inti load with out spciefying any date range. That will do init upload till date and then delta upload will continue uploading changed data and as well as new records of any date."</i>

Former Member
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Thanks for your explanation Rohini!

But, in Aby's case, if she wants to load only particular part of the hisotry(say, in a paricular date range) and continue with future deltas, then Init without selection won't help, as it will bring the complete history. In that case, I guess you have to go for the solution I specified above.



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Sorry for getting back late. SDN site was down.

Yes your solution works if Aby doesnot have data before 01.01.2004. I was in a impression that Aby has data from 01.01.2004 and not before that. Now Aby has to decided.

Thanks & Regards,


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