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alv grid colon names

0 Kudos

Hello ,

I have to write a rapport with  'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY'  fm . The list has to show all users and the roles that are assigned to each of them .

The list has to look something like below

User   | role_A  | role_b |  role_123 | role_54 | role_11 |  role_56 |

user1      X             X                           X                           X

user2                               X

user3             X                                          X

I have to pick all roles from system ( agr_define) and use their names as a colon name . Please can someone explain how I can transfer each value from

table to column name  of internal table that will be displayed .



Moderator message: Not enough research before posting. Please refer to concept dynamic internal tables.

Message was edited by: Kesavadas Thekkillath


Former Member
0 Kudos


Do something like this.

Create a dynamic internal table to hold the values.

FIELD-SYMBOLS: <t_dyntable> TYPE STANDARD TABLE,  “ Dynamic internal table name

               <fs_dyntable>,                     “ Field symbol to create work area

               <fs_fldval> type any.              “ Field symbol to assign values

DATA:   t_newtable TYPE REF TO data,

        t_newline  TYPE REF TO data,

        t_fldcat   TYPE slis_t_fldcat_alv,

        t_fldcat   TYPE lvc_t_fcat,

        wa_it_fldcat TYPE lvc_s_fcat,

        wa_colno(2) TYPE n,

        wa_flname(5) TYPE c.

    wa_it_fldcat-fieldname = 'USR'. " Add the User field first

    wa_it_fldcat-datatype = 'CHAR'.

    wa_it_fldcat-intlen = 12.

    APPEND wa_it_fldcat TO t_fldcat.

LOOP AT gt_agr_define INTO wa. " Add roles to the internal table structure

wa_it_fldcat-fieldname = wa-agr_name.

wa_it_fldcat-datatype = 'CHAR'.

wa_it_fldcat-intlen = 1.

READ TABLE t_fldcat WITH KEY fieldname = wa-agr_name TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS.

IF sy-subrc  NE 0.

APPEND wa_it_fldcat TO t_fldcat.



CALL METHOD cl_alv_table_create=>create_dynamic_table


      it_fieldcatalog = t_fldcat


      ep_table        = t_newtable.

  ASSIGN t_newtable->* TO <t_dyntable>.  " Dynamic internal table

* Create dynamic work area and assign to FS

  CREATE DATA t_newline LIKE LINE OF <t_dyntable>.

  ASSIGN t_newline->* TO <fs_dyntable> " This is your dynamic work area.

* Filling Data to the new dynamic table

LOOP AT gt_agr_define INTO wa.

ASSIGN COMPONENT wa-agr_name OF STRUCTURE <fs_dyntable> TO <fs_fldval>.

IF sy-subrc = 0.

<fs_fldval> = 'X'.



You will need to work with this as base and modify accordingly.

This may have syntax errors, because I dont have access to SAP now.

