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Avoiding automatic relationship BUR011 creation when creating a BP

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Dear All:

Context: A user is assigned in the Organizational Structure to a Business Partner type Employee. This user creates a Business Partner by Webclient.

The system creates de Business Partner, and creates a relationship BUR011 which links the employee with the Business Partner.

I think this is standard behavior. I wish to change this behavior. I would like to avoid automatic creation of this relationship.

I tried to find a customizing point where this can be changed, but I didn’t succeed.

I searched SDN, but I did not have the luck to find anything.

I would be grateful if someone can help me to change this behavior

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Hi Jordi,

The SAP Note 1595741 - "Switching off the automatic assignment of Employee Responsible when creating Accounts" should be your answer.



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Dear Shobhit:

Thanks a lot! Superb!

This is what I was looking for, I did not find the correct keywords to locate this note.

Problem solved.

Best regards.


Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Active Contributor
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In transaction BUBA, open the details of the relationship category BUR011 and uncheck the tick in the fields - Standard Relationship, all Business partner categories for partner 1 and partner 2.

I hope this works.



Active Participant
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Hi Prajit:

Thanks for your answer.

I tried changing settings in BUBA, but did not work. The system still assigns automatically the relation BUR011.

Now I'm reading, but I think that this works when executing CRM_BUPA_ASSIGN_EMPLOYEE, not when BP creation.