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Foreign currency valuation_Delta Logic

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Actually I want to see the Forex valuation unrealized differences in Customer/Vendor account itself, so I have activated delta logic with the help of SAP Notes: 960661 & 1006684. Now the valuation difference is being captured in the valuation difference field(U_BWSHB1) in FBL*N reports, but the problem is +/- signs are coming wrong for that field. Also after clearing of the document system reverse the unrealized gain/loss in the next FCV run, but the system is taking realized gain/loss GL accounts instead of unrealized gain/loss accounts.

I have applied following notes for these issues, still no change.


Amount plus/minus sign in RXD item list


Incorrect plus/minus sign in RXD item list


P&L target account in RXD adjustment/unrealized


Account determination unrealized differences


Target account RXD adjustment partial payments


incorrect account determination

Please share your experiences on this issue.


Murali. N

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As additional explanation with regard to the RXD adjustment postings for cleared items please see the following information:

In context of the foreign currency valuation scenario with 'delta logic' the subsequent RXD adjustment from a business perspective basically belong the clearing process since the adjustment referres to the realized differences posted by the clearing, however the program run of report FAGL_FC_VALUATION is the technical process that generates these documents for cleared items based on the analysis of the valuation history and clearing status. The reason why the RXD adjustment are required is due to the fact that the clearing transaction at the time of the clearing calculates the realized differences without consideration of the existing valuation difference. So the realized difference amount in the clearing document represents the full difference between posting date of the open item and clearing date. This behaviour of the clearing process is related to the design of new G/L since the clearing transaction is a ledger independend posting, while the valuation difference is ledger specific with regard to different accounting principle. The subsequent RXD adjustment posting serves to generate the corresponding ledger specific adjustment for cleared items based valuation difference amount per valuation area. The posting content of this adjustment on the one hand cleares the valuation difference on the balance sheet adjustment account and on the other hand adjusts the realized difference balance in the offsetting line. Please see the following posting model to explain the general picture of the scenario (example with foreign currency (FC)/local currency (LC)):

1. Posting customer invoice, posting date 01.01.2015, rate 1.00000

      01 Customer       100 FC/100 LC

      50 Revenue           100- FC/100- LC

2. Program run FAGL_FCV, Valuation of open item with delta logic 31.01.2015, rate 1.30000

      40 Bal.Adj.Acc.     0 FC/30 LC

      50 UXD Gain Acc.     0 FC/30- LC

3. Clearing at 10.02.2015, rate 1.40000

      40 Bank           100 FC/140 LC

      15 Customer          100- FC/100- LC

      50 Real.Gain           0  FC/ 40- LC

4. Program run FAGL_FCV, key date 28.02.2015: This run creates the adjustment of the realized difference:

    RXD adjustment:

      40 Real.Gain        0 FC/ 30 LC

      50 Bal.Adj.Acc.      0 FC/ 30- LC

Based on the RXD adjustment document the correct realized difference 'gain' of 10 LC is resulting for the cleared item.

I hope this explanation model serves to answer your question.

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I have this case. reverse valuation document in next run target unrealized gain/loss expense account not unrealized gain/loss expense account.

any update

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I am struggling with the same issue:  why RXD adjustment postings use the realized gain/loss accounts instead of the 'unrealized' 'valuation' accounts that were posted in the valuation process.    This ends up  leaving a balance in the unrealized accounts and negating the realized accounts.

Does anyone know of any notes or config that will fix this situation?

Thanks in advance!


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any updates on this issue?