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Seeking Modelling Advice

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I have two master data infoObjects, for example sake lets call them CONDITION and AGREEMENT. They have 1:N (agreement : condition) relationship and are not compounded. Each AGREEMENT has CONDITION(s) whereas there are CONDITIONS without AGREEMENTS.


Details of InfoObject

CONDITION have attributes, customer group, brand, agreement

AGREEMENT have attributes sales group, sales office and recipient


Reporting Requirement : Get agreement amounts with details like recipient name and number, sales office etc. ( catch is first to get the conditions related to Agreement )


Issue: Currently it just gets the facts (amount) for Agreements in infocubes whereas I want it to first to find the conditions related to the Agreement then grab the facts (amount).


How do I achieve this, I need your help to model this requirement

Current Model

AGREEMENT and CONDITIONS are characteristics in separate dimensions.

I can probably build a query using CONDITIONS navigational attribute AGREEMENT but then how do I display attributes of AGREEMENTS.

Thanks so much for your help..

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Former Member
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if you use a navigational attribute , you should still be able to display its attributes. From this perspective a navigational attribute is the same as a cube characteristic. But, the important thing to be considered when using a navigational attribute is that you can not have both historical and current truth in the same query simultanelosuly, whereas using a cube chararctesitc you can.

Looking at your current requirement, a navigational attribute seems to be a feasible solution.

Best Regards,


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Sanjay

What do you mean by a cube characteristic?

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Active Contributor
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Also in the relationship you have mentioned - does an agreement always have a condition ?

The you could actually go in for compounding the condition to the agreement , otherwise the options are:

1. Navigational attributes

2. At line item level anyway you would get the agreement and condition and hence there should not be any problem , but does your requirement also necessitate time ranges ? in which case you need to maintain time dependent master data for the same.
