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running a report based on stored proc

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi all,

I have 2 reports (both without any parameters). 1st report is created using SELECT statement while the 2nd report is created using a Stored Proc. I generated JSPs for each of these 2 reports in Eclipse where I am setting runtime database credentials. I deploy them in my web application and test them. The 1st report is retrieving data but the 2nd report is not retrieving data. My database is SQL Server 2008 R2. The JSPs code is same for both reports. This is the JSP code for 2nd report:

<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1" %>

<%@ page import="com.businessobjects.samples.CRJavaHelper,,,," %>


try {

          String reportName = "SP_noparm.rpt";

          ReportClientDocument clientDoc = (ReportClientDocument) session.getAttribute(reportName);

     if (clientDoc == null) {

          clientDoc = new ReportClientDocument();


          // Open report

, OpenReportOptions._openAsReadOnly);

          // ****** BEGIN SET RUNTIME DATABASE CREDENTIALS **************** 


               String connectString = "jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://DBS2008R2/TestDB;tds=8.0;lastupdatecount=true";

               String driverName = "net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver";

               String JNDIName = "TestDS";

               String userName = "test_dbo";              // TODO: Fill in database user

               String password = "test";          // TODO: Fill in password

               // Switch all tables on the main report and sub reports

               CRJavaHelper.changeDataSource(clientDoc, userName, password, connectString, driverName, JNDIName);

               // logon to database

               CRJavaHelper.logonDataSource(clientDoc, userName, password);


          // ****** END SET RUNTIME DATABASE CREDENTIALS ****************

          // Store the report document in session

          session.setAttribute(reportName, clientDoc);




          // Create the CrystalReportViewer object

          CrystalReportViewer crystalReportPageViewer = new CrystalReportViewer();

          String reportSourceSessionKey = reportName+"ReportSource";

          Object reportSource = session.getAttribute(reportSourceSessionKey);

          if (reportSource == null)


                              reportSource = clientDoc.getReportSource();

                              session.setAttribute(reportSourceSessionKey, reportSource);


                    // set the reportsource property of the viewer


                    // Process the report

                    crystalReportPageViewer.processHttpRequest(request, response, application, null);


          // ****** END CONNECT CRYSTALREPORTPAGEVIEWER SNIPPET ****************

} catch (ReportSDKExceptionBase e) {




I debug the SQL using the SQL Server Pofiler and I can see that 1st report is issuing the SELECT statement but the 2nd report never called the stored proc. Any reason? Do the CRJavaHelper.changeDataSource method do not work with stored procs?

this is the stored proc on which the 2nd report 'SP_noparm.rpt' is based on:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[test_SP_noparm]  



          -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from 

          -- interfering with SELECT statements. 

          SET NOCOUNT ON; 


    -- Insert statements for procedure here 

          SELECT employeeid, firstname, lastname from employee  


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Answers (1)

Answers (1)

0 Kudos

You got to have com.businessobjects.samples.CRJavaHelper class somewhere in you application. it is not part of SDK. Can you please post the CRJavaHelper class here?

Are you changing database at runtime? Or pointing to the same database as used at design time?

Is this code throwing any error or just not returning correct data?

Former Member
0 Kudos

I did not create com.businessobjects.samples.CRJavaHelper class; it was there when I create Eclipse Crystal Report Web Project. I did not modify it.

I am changing database at runtime as you can see in the JSP code I mentioned above.

I am pointing to a different database than one used at design time.

The code is not throwing any error. Its not returning any data. In the SQL Profiler I check and it did not call the stored proc.

This is the com.businessobjects.samples.CRJavaHelper class:


* This sample code is an example of how to use the Business Objects APIs.

* Because the sample code is designed for demonstration only, it is

* unsupported.  You are free to modify and distribute the sample code as needed.  


package com.businessobjects.samples;





import java.util.Collection;

import java.util.Locale;

import javax.servlet.ServletContext;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;




























* Crystal Reports Java Helper Sample

* ************************

* Please note that you need to define a runtime server in order for this class

* to compile.

* ************************

* @author Business Objects


public class CRJavaHelper {


     * Logs on to all existing datasource


     * @param clientDoc The reportClientDocument representing the report being used

     * @param username    The DB logon user name

     * @param password    The DB logon password

     * @throws ReportSDKException


    public static void logonDataSource(ReportClientDocument clientDoc,

                String username, String password) throws ReportSDKException {

        clientDoc.getDatabaseController().logon(username, password);



     * Changes the DataSource for each Table

     * @param clientDoc The reportClientDocument representing the report being used

     * @param username  The DB logon user name

     * @param password  The DB logon password

     * @param connectionURL  The connection URL

     * @param driverName    The driver Name

     * @param jndiName        The JNDI name

     * @throws ReportSDKException


    public static void changeDataSource(ReportClientDocument clientDoc,

                String username, String password, String connectionURL,

                String driverName,String jndiName) throws ReportSDKException {

        changeDataSource(clientDoc, null, null, username, password, connectionURL, driverName, jndiName);



     * Changes the DataSource for a specific Table

     * @param clientDoc The reportClientDocument representing the report being used

     * @param reportName    "" for main report, name of subreport for subreport, null for all reports

     * @param tableName        name of table to change.  null for all tables.

     * @param username  The DB logon user name

     * @param password  The DB logon password

     * @param connectionURL  The connection URL

     * @param driverName    The driver Name

     * @param jndiName        The JNDI name

     * @throws ReportSDKException


    public static void changeDataSource(ReportClientDocument clientDoc,

                String reportName, String tableName,

                String username, String password, String connectionURL,

                String driverName,String jndiName) throws ReportSDKException {

        PropertyBag propertyBag = null;

        IConnectionInfo connectionInfo = null;

        ITable origTable = null;

        ITable newTable = null;

        // Declare variables to hold ConnectionInfo values.

        // Below is the list of values required to switch to use a JDBC/JNDI

        // connection

        String TRUSTED_CONNECTION = "false";

        String SERVER_TYPE = "JDBC (JNDI)";

        String USE_JDBC = "true";

        String DATABASE_DLL = "crdb_jdbc.dll";

        String JNDI_DATASOURCE_NAME = jndiName;

        String CONNECTION_URL = connectionURL;

        String DATABASE_CLASS_NAME = driverName;

        // The next few parameters are optional parameters which you may want to

        // uncomment

        // You may wish to adjust the arguments of the method to pass these

        // values in if necessary

        // String TABLE_NAME_QUALIFIER = "new_table_name";

        // String SERVER_NAME = "new_server_name";

        // String CONNECTION_STRING = "new_connection_string";

        // String DATABASE_NAME = "new_database_name";

        // String URI = "new_URI";

        // Declare variables to hold database User Name and Password values

        String DB_USER_NAME = username;

        String DB_PASSWORD = password;

        // Obtain collection of tables from this database controller

        if (reportName == null || reportName.equals("")) {

            Tables tables = clientDoc.getDatabaseController().getDatabase().getTables();

            for(int i = 0;i < tables.size();i++){

                origTable = tables.getTable(i);

                if (tableName == null || origTable.getName().equals(tableName)) {

                    newTable = (ITable)origTable.clone(true);

                    // We set the Fully qualified name to the Table Alias to keep the

                    // method generic

                    // This workflow may not work in all scenarios and should likely be

                    // customized to work

                    // in the developer's specific situation. The end result of this

                    // statement will be to strip

                    // the existing table of it's db specific identifiers. For example

                    // Xtreme.dbo.Customer becomes just Customer


                    // Change properties that are different from the original datasource

                    // For example, if the table name has changed you will be required

                    // to change it during this routine

                    // table.setQualifiedName(TABLE_NAME_QUALIFIER);

                    // Change connection information properties

                    connectionInfo = newTable.getConnectionInfo();

                    // Set new table connection property attributes

                    propertyBag = new PropertyBag();

                    // Overwrite any existing properties with updated values

                    propertyBag.put("Trusted_Connection", TRUSTED_CONNECTION);

                    propertyBag.put("Server Type", SERVER_TYPE);

                    propertyBag.put("Use JDBC", USE_JDBC);

                    propertyBag.put("Database DLL",DATABASE_DLL );

                    propertyBag.put("JNDI Datasource Name",JNDI_DATASOURCE_NAME );

                    propertyBag.put("Connection URL", CONNECTION_URL);

                    propertyBag.put("Database Class Name", DATABASE_CLASS_NAME);

                    // propertyBag.put("Server Name", SERVER_NAME); //Optional property

                    // propertyBag.put("Connection String", CONNECTION_STRING); //Optional property

                    // propertyBag.put("Database Name", DATABASE_NAME); //Optional property

                    // propertyBag.put("URI", URI); //Optional property


                    // Set database username and password

                    // NOTE: Even if the username and password properties do not change

                    // when switching databases, the

                    // database password is *not* saved in the report and must be set at

                    // runtime if the database is secured.



                    // Update the table information

                    clientDoc.getDatabaseController().setTableLocation(origTable, newTable);




        // Next loop through all the subreports and pass in the same

        // information. You may consider

        // creating a separate method which accepts

        if (reportName == null || !(reportName.equals(""))) {

            IStrings subNames = clientDoc.getSubreportController().getSubreportNames();

            for (int subNum=0;subNum<subNames.size();subNum++) {

                Tables tables = clientDoc.getSubreportController().getSubreport(subNames.getString(subNum)).getDatabaseController().getDatabase().getTables();

                for(int i = 0;i < tables.size();i++){

                    origTable = tables.getTable(i);

                    if (tableName == null || origTable.getName().equals(tableName)) {

                        newTable = (ITable)origTable.clone(true);

                        // We set the Fully qualified name to the Table Alias to keep

                        // the method generic

                        // This workflow may not work in all scenarios and should likely

                        // be customized to work

                        // in the developer's specific situation. The end result of this

                        // statement will be to strip

                        // the existing table of it's db specific identifiers. For

                        // example Xtreme.dbo.Customer becomes just Customer


                        // Change properties that are different from the original

                        // datasource

                        // table.setQualifiedName(TABLE_NAME_QUALIFIER);

                        // Change connection information properties

                        connectionInfo = newTable.getConnectionInfo();

                        // Set new table connection property attributes

                        propertyBag = new PropertyBag();

                        // Overwrite any existing properties with updated values

                        propertyBag.put("Trusted_Connection", TRUSTED_CONNECTION);

                        propertyBag.put("Server Type", SERVER_TYPE);

                        propertyBag.put("Use JDBC", USE_JDBC);

                        propertyBag.put("Database DLL",DATABASE_DLL );

                        propertyBag.put("JNDI Datasource Name",JNDI_DATASOURCE_NAME );

                        propertyBag.put("Connection URL", CONNECTION_URL);

                        propertyBag.put("Database Class Name", DATABASE_CLASS_NAME);

                        // propertyBag.put("Server Name", SERVER_NAME); //Optional property

                        // propertyBag.put("Connection String", CONNECTION_STRING); //Optional property

                        // propertyBag.put("Database Name", DATABASE_NAME); //Optional property

                        // propertyBag.put("URI", URI); //Optional property


                        // Set database username and password

                        // NOTE: Even if the username and password properties do not

                        // change when switching databases, the

                        // database password is *not* saved in the report and must be

                        // set at runtime if the database is secured.



                        // Update the table information

                        clientDoc.getSubreportController().getSubreport(subNames.getString(subNum)).getDatabaseController().setTableLocation(origTable, newTable);







     * Passes a populated java.sql.Resultset object to a Table object


     * @param clientDoc The reportClientDocument representing the report being used

     * @param rs        The java.sql.Resultset used to populate the Table

     * @param tableAlias    The alias of the table

     * @param reportName    The name of the subreport.  If tables in the main report

     *                         is to be used, "" should be passed

     * @throws ReportSDKException


    public static void passResultSet(ReportClientDocument clientDoc, java.sql.ResultSet rs,

            String tableAlias, String reportName) throws ReportSDKException {


            clientDoc.getDatabaseController().setDataSource(rs, tableAlias,tableAlias);


            clientDoc.getSubreportController().getSubreport(reportName).getDatabaseController().setDataSource(rs, tableAlias,tableAlias);



     * Passes a populated collection of a Java class to a Table object


     * @param clientDoc     The reportClientDocument representing the report being used

     * @param dataSet        The java.sql.Resultset used to populate the Table

     * @param className        The fully-qualified class name of the POJO objects being passed

     * @param tableAlias        The alias of the table

     * @param reportName    The name of the subreport.  If tables in the main report

     *                         is to be used, "" should be passed

     * @throws ReportSDKException


    public static void passPOJO(ReportClientDocument clientDoc, Collection dataSet,

            String className, String tableAlias, String reportName) throws ReportSDKException,ClassNotFoundException{


            clientDoc.getDatabaseController().setDataSource(dataSet, Class.forName(className),tableAlias,tableAlias);


            clientDoc.getSubreportController().getSubreport(reportName).getDatabaseController().setDataSource(dataSet, Class.forName(className),tableAlias,tableAlias);



     * Passes a single discrete parameter value to a report parameter


     * @param clientDoc        The reportClientDocument representing the report being used

     * @param reportName    The name of the subreport.  If tables in the main report

     *                         is to be used, "" should be passed

     * @param parameterName    The name of the parameter

     * @param newValue        The new value of the parameter

     * @throws ReportSDKException


    public static void addDiscreteParameterValue(ReportClientDocument clientDoc, String reportName, String parameterName, Object newValue)

                        throws ReportSDKException{

        DataDefController dataDefController = null;


            dataDefController = clientDoc.getDataDefController();


            dataDefController = clientDoc.getSubreportController().getSubreport(reportName).getDataDefController();

        ParameterFieldDiscreteValue newDiscValue = new ParameterFieldDiscreteValue();


        ParameterField paramField = (ParameterField)dataDefController.getDataDefinition().getParameterFields().findField(parameterName, FieldDisplayNameType.fieldName, Locale.getDefault());

        boolean multiValue = paramField.getAllowMultiValue();

        if(multiValue) {

            Values newVals = (Values)paramField.getCurrentValues().clone(true);


            clientDoc.getDataDefController().getParameterFieldController().setCurrentValue(reportName, parameterName ,newVals);

        } else {

            clientDoc.getDataDefController().getParameterFieldController().setCurrentValue(reportName, parameterName , newValue);




     * Passes multiple discrete parameter values to a report parameter


     * @param clientDoc        The reportClientDocument representing the report being used

     * @param reportName    The name of the subreport.  If tables in the main report

     *                         is to be used, "" should be passed

     * @param parameterName    The name of the parameter

     * @param newValues        An array of new values to get set on the parameter

     * @throws ReportSDKException


    public static void addDiscreteParameterValue(ReportClientDocument clientDoc, String reportName, String parameterName, Object[] newValues)

                        throws ReportSDKException{

        clientDoc.getDataDefController().getParameterFieldController().setCurrentValues(reportName, parameterName ,newValues);



     * Passes a single range parameter value to a report parameter.  The range is assumed to

     * be inclusive on beginning and end.


     * @param clientDoc        The reportClientDocument representing the report being used

     * @param reportName    The name of the subreport.  If tables in the main report

     *                         is to be used, "" should be passed

     * @param parameterName    The name of the parameter

     * @param beginValue    The value of the beginning of the range

     * @param endValue        The value of the end of the range

     * @throws ReportSDKException


    public static void addRangeParameterValue(ReportClientDocument clientDoc, String reportName, String parameterName, Object beginValue, Object endValue) throws ReportSDKException{

        addRangeParameterValue(clientDoc, reportName, parameterName, beginValue, RangeValueBoundType.inclusive, endValue, RangeValueBoundType.inclusive);



     * Passes multiple range parameter values to a report parameter.


     * This overload of the addRangeParameterValue will only work if the

     * parameter is setup to accept multiple values.


     * If the Parameter does not accept multiple values then it is expected that

     * this version of the method will return an error


     * @param clientDoc        The reportClientDocument representing the report being used

     * @param reportName    The name of the subreport.  If tables in the main report

     *                         is to be used, "" should be passed

     * @param parameterName    The name of the parameter

     * @param beginValues    Array of beginning values.  Must be same length as endValues.

     * @param endValues        Array of ending values.  Must be same length as beginValues.

     * @throws ReportSDKException


    public static void addRangeParameterValue(ReportClientDocument clientDoc, String reportName, String parameterName, Object[] beginValues, Object[] endValues) throws ReportSDKException{

        addRangeParameterValue(clientDoc, reportName, parameterName, beginValues, RangeValueBoundType.inclusive, endValues, RangeValueBoundType.inclusive);



     * Passes a single range parameter value to a report parameter


     * @param clientDoc        The reportClientDocument representing the report being used

     * @param reportName    The name of the subreport.  If tables in the main report

     *                         is to be used, "" should be passed

     * @param parameterName    The name of the parameter

     * @param beginValue    The value of the beginning of the range

     * @param lowerBoundType    The inclusion/exclusion range of the start of range.

     * @param endValue        The value of the end of the range

     * @param upperBoundType    The inclusion/exclusion range of the end of range.

     * @throws ReportSDKException


    public static void addRangeParameterValue(ReportClientDocument clientDoc, String reportName, String parameterName, Object beginValue, RangeValueBoundType lowerBoundType,Object endValue, RangeValueBoundType upperBoundType) throws ReportSDKException{

        DataDefController dataDefController = null;


            dataDefController = clientDoc.getDataDefController();


            dataDefController = clientDoc.getSubreportController().getSubreport(reportName).getDataDefController();

        ParameterFieldRangeValue newRangeValue = new ParameterFieldRangeValue();





        ParameterField paramField = (ParameterField)dataDefController.getDataDefinition().getParameterFields().findField(parameterName, FieldDisplayNameType.fieldName, Locale.getDefault());

        boolean multiValue = paramField.getAllowMultiValue();

        if (multiValue) {

            Values newVals = (Values)paramField.getCurrentValues().clone(true);


            clientDoc.getDataDefController().getParameterFieldController().setCurrentValue(reportName, parameterName , newVals);

        } else {

            clientDoc.getDataDefController().getParameterFieldController().setCurrentValue(reportName, parameterName , newRangeValue);




     * Passes multiple range parameter values to a report parameter.


     * This overload of the addRangeParameterValue will only work if the

     * parameter is setup to accept multiple values.


     * If the Parameter does not accept multiple values then it is expected that

     * this version of the method will return an error


     * @param clientDoc        The reportClientDocument representing the report being used

     * @param reportName    The name of the subreport.  If tables in the main report

     *                         is to be used, "" should be passed

     * @param parameterName    The name of the parameter

     * @param beginValues    Array of beginning values.  Must be same length as endValues.

     * @param lowerBoundType    The inclusion/exclusion range of the start of range.

     * @param endValues        Array of ending values.  Must be same length as beginValues.

     * @param upperBoundType    The inclusion/exclusion range of the end of range.


     * @throws ReportSDKException


    public static void addRangeParameterValue(ReportClientDocument clientDoc, String reportName, String parameterName, Object[] beginValues,RangeValueBoundType lowerBoundType, Object[] endValues, RangeValueBoundType upperBoundType) throws ReportSDKException{

        // it is expected that the beginValues array is the same size as the

        // endValues array

        ParameterFieldRangeValue[] newRangeValues = new ParameterFieldRangeValue[beginValues.length];

        for(int i=0;i<beginValues.length;i++){

            newRangeValues[i] = new ParameterFieldRangeValue();






        clientDoc.getDataDefController().getParameterFieldController().setCurrentValues(reportName, parameterName , newRangeValues);



     * Exports a report to PDF


     * @param clientDoc        The reportClientDocument representing the report being used

     * @param response        The HttpServletResponse object

     * @param startPage        Starting page

     * @param endPage        Ending page

     * @param attachment    true to prompts for open or save; false opens the report

     *                         in the specified format after exporting.

     * @throws ReportSDKExceptionBase

     * @throws IOException


    public static void exportPDF(ReportClientDocument clientDoc, HttpServletResponse response, boolean attachment) throws ReportSDKExceptionBase, IOException {

        // PDF export allows page range export. The following routine ensures

        // that the requested page range is valid

        PDFExportFormatOptions  pdfOptions = new PDFExportFormatOptions();

        ExportOptions exportOptions = new ExportOptions();



        export(clientDoc, exportOptions, response, attachment, "application/pdf", "pdf");



     * Exports a report to PDF for a range of pages


     * @param clientDoc        The reportClientDocument representing the report being used

     * @param response        The HttpServletResponse object

     * @param startPage        Starting page

     * @param endPage        Ending page

     * @param attachment    true to prompts for open or save; false opens the report

     *                         in the specified format after exporting.

     * @throws ReportSDKExceptionBase

     * @throws IOException


    public static void exportPDF(ReportClientDocument clientDoc, HttpServletResponse response, ServletContext  context, int startPage, int endPage,boolean attachment) throws ReportSDKExceptionBase, IOException {

        // PDF export allows page range export. The following routine ensures

        // that the requested page range is valid

        PDFExportFormatOptions  pdfOptions = new PDFExportFormatOptions();



        ExportOptions exportOptions = new ExportOptions();



        export(clientDoc, exportOptions, response, attachment, "application/pdf", "pdf");



     * Exports a report to RTF


     * @param clientDoc        The reportClientDocument representing the report being used

     * @param response        The HttpServletResponse object

     * @param attachment    true to prompts for open or save; false opens the report

     *                         in the specified format after exporting.

     * @throws ReportSDKExceptionBase

     * @throws IOException


    public static void exportRTF(ReportClientDocument clientDoc, HttpServletResponse response, boolean attachment) throws ReportSDKExceptionBase, IOException {

        // RTF export allows page range export. The following routine ensures

        // that the requested page range is valid

        RTFWordExportFormatOptions  rtfOptions = new RTFWordExportFormatOptions();

        ExportOptions exportOptions = new ExportOptions();



        export(clientDoc, exportOptions, response, attachment, "text/rtf", "rtf");



     * Exports a report to RTF for a range of pages


     * @param clientDoc        The reportClientDocument representing the report being used

     * @param response        The HttpServletResponse object

     * @param startPage        Starting page

     * @param endPage        Ending page. 

     * @param attachment    true to prompts for open or save; false opens the report

     *                         in the specified format after exporting.

     * @throws ReportSDKExceptionBase

     * @throws IOException


    public static void exportRTF(ReportClientDocument clientDoc, HttpServletResponse response, ServletContext  context, int startPage, int endPage, boolean attachment) throws ReportSDKExceptionBase, IOException {

        // RTF export allows page range export. The following routine ensures

        // that the requested page range is valid

        RTFWordExportFormatOptions  rtfOptions = new RTFWordExportFormatOptions();



        ExportOptions exportOptions = new ExportOptions();



        export(clientDoc, exportOptions, response, attachment, "text/rtf", "rtf");



     * Exports a report to RTF


     * @param clientDoc     The reportClientDocument representing the report being used

     * @param response      The HttpServletResponse object

     * @param attachment    true to prompts for open or save; false opens the report

     *                      in the specified format after exporting.

     * @throws ReportSDKExceptionBase

     * @throws IOException


    public static void exportRTFEditable(ReportClientDocument clientDoc, HttpServletResponse response, boolean attachment) throws ReportSDKExceptionBase, IOException {

        // RTF export allows page range export. The following routine ensures

        // that the requested page range is valid

        EditableRTFExportFormatOptions  rtfOptions = new EditableRTFExportFormatOptions();

        ExportOptions exportOptions = new ExportOptions();



        export(clientDoc, exportOptions, response, attachment, "text/rtf", "rtf");



     * Exports a report to RTF for a range of pages


     * @param clientDoc     The reportClientDocument representing the report being used

     * @param response      The HttpServletResponse object

     * @param startPage     Starting page

     * @param endPage       Ending page. 

     * @param attachment    true to prompts for open or save; false opens the report

     *                      in the specified format after exporting.

     * @throws ReportSDKExceptionBase

     * @throws IOException


    public static void exportRTFEditable(ReportClientDocument clientDoc, HttpServletResponse response, ServletContext  context, int startPage, int endPage,boolean attachment) throws ReportSDKExceptionBase, IOException {

        // RTF export allows page range export. The following routine ensures

        // that the requested page range is valid

        EditableRTFExportFormatOptions  rtfOptions = new EditableRTFExportFormatOptions();



        ExportOptions exportOptions = new ExportOptions();



        export(clientDoc, exportOptions, response, attachment, "text/rtf", "rtf");



     * Exports a report to Excel (Data Only)


     * @param clientDoc     The reportClientDocument representing the report being used

     * @param response      The HttpServletResponse object

     * @param attachment    true to prompts for open or save; false opens the report

     *                      in the specified format after exporting.

     * @throws ReportSDKExceptionBase

     * @throws IOException


    public static void exportExcelDataOnly(ReportClientDocument clientDoc, HttpServletResponse response, boolean attachment) throws ReportSDKExceptionBase, IOException {

        DataOnlyExcelExportFormatOptions excelOptions = new DataOnlyExcelExportFormatOptions();

        ExportOptions exportOptions = new ExportOptions();


        exportOptions.setFormatOptions(excelOptions );

        export(clientDoc, exportOptions, response, attachment, "application/excel", "xls");



     * Exports a report to CSV


     * @param clientDoc        The reportClientDocument representing the report being used

     * @param response        The HttpServletResponse object

     * @param attachment    true to prompts for open or save; false opens the report

     *                         in the specified format after exporting.

     * @throws ReportSDKExceptionBase

     * @throws IOException


    public static void exportCSV(ReportClientDocument clientDoc, HttpServletResponse response, boolean attachment) throws ReportSDKExceptionBase, IOException {

        CharacterSeparatedValuesExportFormatOptions csvOptions = new CharacterSeparatedValuesExportFormatOptions();



        ExportOptions exportOptions = new ExportOptions();



        export(clientDoc, exportOptions, response, attachment, "text/csv", "csv");



     * Exports a report to a specified format


     * @param clientDoc       The reportClientDocument representing the report being used

     * @param exportOptions   Export options

     * @param response        The response object to write to

     * @param attachment      True to prompts for open or save; false opens the report

     *                        in the specified format after exporting.

     * @param mimeType        MIME type of the format being exported

     * @param extension       file extension of the format (e.g., "pdf" for Acrobat)

     * @throws ReportSDKExceptionBase

     * @throws IOException


    private static void export(ReportClientDocument clientDoc, ExportOptions exportOptions, HttpServletResponse response, boolean attachment, String mimeType, String extension)

        throws ReportSDKExceptionBase, IOException {

        InputStream is = null;

        try {

            is = new BufferedInputStream(clientDoc.getPrintOutputController().export(exportOptions));

            byte[] data = new byte[1024];


            if (attachment)


                String name = clientDoc.getReportSource().getReportTitle();

                if (name == null)


                    name = "CrystalReportViewer";




                    name = name.replaceAll("\"", "");



                        "attachment; filename=\"" + name + "."+extension+"\"");


            OutputStream os = response.getOutputStream();

            while ( > -1) {



        } finally {

            if (is != null) {






     * Prints to the server printer


     * @param clientDoc        The reportClientDocument representing the report being used

     * @param printerName    Name of printer used to print the report

     * @throws ReportSDKException


    public static void printToServer(ReportClientDocument clientDoc,String printerName)throws ReportSDKException {

        PrintReportOptions printOptions = new PrintReportOptions();

        // Note: Printer with the <printer name> below must already be

        // configured.


        printOptions.setJobTitle("Sample Print Job from Crystal Reports.");






        // Print report




     * Prints a range of pages to the server printer


     * @param clientDoc        The reportClientDocument representing the report being used

     * @param printerName    Name of printer used to print the report

     * @param startPage        Starting page

     * @param endPage        Ending page.

     * @throws ReportSDKException


    public static void printToServer(ReportClientDocument clientDoc,String printerName,int startPage, int endPage)throws ReportSDKException {

        PrintReportOptions printOptions = new PrintReportOptions();

        // Note: Printer with the <printer name> below must already be

        // configured.


        printOptions.setJobTitle("Sample Print Job from Crystal Reports.");






        PrintReportOptions.PageRange printPageRange = new PrintReportOptions.PageRange(startPage,endPage);


        // Print report


