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Caller 09 missing error

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Hi all,

I am trying to load some genric extractors , was working fine till yesterday.

But from evening none of the data source is able to load, whenenver i trigger the IP i am getting Caller 09 missing error and when I checked

in source system SM37 all the jobs got canceled.

Please help me as it is real urgent.



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Active Contributor
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Hi ,

check following points

1. source system connection..right click on the source system and check

2. check in SM59 Check myself source system and R/3 source system..

3. check for connection test and authorisation test

4. check the ALEREMOTE/BWREMOTE user passowrd is not expired..

5. check WE21 for IDOC mapping etc.

Looks like this is some RFC issue..check with basis in case any connection needs to be restored..

Thanks and regards


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Hi Venkatesh,

What is the error message in job log?

Have you tried replicating the data source?



Former Member
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Hi Chandu,

I tried Replicating , but the prob resists in all my ds (though only 4 gave been created as its a fresh system)

I am sorry , which job log u mentioned (SM37)?

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okay.. try these steps

1. Call transaction SE38, run the program RSDS_DATASOURCE_ACTIVATE_ALL. Give your Datasource name, source system and check the check box for "Only Inactive objects". This will actiavate the given datasource.

2. Replicate the datasource in RSA1.

3. Run the infopackage for this datasource

This infopackage will complete successfully. Once confirmed, repeat the same steps for other data sources too

Yes, extraction job (BIREQU*) in source system SM37

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Forgot to include, after replicating, activate transfer structure using program: RS_TRANSTRU_ACTIVATE_ALL

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Hi Chandra,

Thanks for ur reply.

But i tried the program , before you said itself.But it says none of the datasource attributes matches.

I removed the data source name and ran for all the data source system , still i found none has matched error.

What shall i do?

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What is the error message in SM37 for the extraction job?
Take the request number from IP monitor screen (REQU*) -> Call SM37 at source system -> Give the request number prefixed with BI

Check ST22 for shhort dumps. What does the dump say?

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Chandra,

I checked in SM37 job log,

The error says as Asynchronous send of Idoc 2.

In ST22 under my user name , i found LOAD_PROGRAM_LOST error

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Chandra,

I checked in SM37 job log,

The error says as Asynchronous send of Idoc 2.

In ST22 under my user name , i found LOAD_PROGRAM_LOST error

Active Contributor
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In the dump, under Short text category, if you find message "Program "PRGM1" was modified during the run.", try to regenarate the program PRGM1. Check note 162991 for generation tools

Check this thread

Hope this will help you