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Dynamic range table creation using field symbol

Former Member
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Hello Team,

I am looking for how to create dynamic range tables at runtime using field symbol.

Suppose i have a table i.e. GT_SELECT which contains all field names , low, high, sign option .My requirement is I have to loop through the GT_SELECT table and form the dynamic range table for each unique field name.

Please suggest if anyone having any idea on this.



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Active Contributor

The easiest way is use a generic range structure. There are several available in standard SAP - you just need to search for them. Alternatively, you can create your own based on, e.g. RSLOW date element - or a STRING or some other type long enough to hold all your values.

  range1 TYPE RANGE OF rslow,
  range2 TYPE RANGE OF rslow,
  rangeN TYPE RANGE OF rslow.

DATA where_clause TYPE string.
SORT gt_select BY fname.
LOOP AT gt_select INTO DATA(select_line).
  ASSIGN (|range{ count }|) TO <range>.
  DATA range_line TYPE rslow.
  MOVE-CORRESPONDING select_line TO range_line.
  INSERT range_line INTO TABLE <range>.
  AT END OF fname.
    ADD 1 TO count.
    IF where_clause IS NOT INITIAL.
      where_clause = where_clause && |AND { select_line-fname } IN range{ count }|.
      where_clause = |{ select_line-fname } IN range{ count }|.

I've written this blind, so it may need some adjustment, but I think you can see the basic concepts.

Former Member
0 Kudos
Hello Matthew,

Thank you for your answer.I have also tried logic for the above requirement.I think I have achieved in this way.

Please suggest necessary comments.

 TYPE-POOLS: abap.

  gr_structdescr    TYPE REF TO cl_abap_structdescr,

  gr_tabledescr     TYPE REF TO cl_abap_tabledescr,

  gr_datadescr      TYPE REF TO cl_abap_datadescr,

  gr_typedescr      TYPE REF TO cl_abap_typedescr,

  gt_components     TYPE abap_component_tab,

  gw_component      TYPE LINE OF abap_component_tab,

  gr_wa             TYPE REF TO data,

  gr_tab            TYPE REF TO data.

FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_wa> TYPE any,

               <sign>  TYPE any.

FIELD-SYMBOLS: <range_1> TYPE table,

               <range_2> TYPE table,

               <range_3>  TYPE table,

               <range_4>      TYPE table .

LOOP AT gt_select INTO wa_select.
* determine components of structure -> GT_COMPONENTS

  MOVE 'SIGN' TO gw_component-name.

  gw_component-type ?= cl_abap_elemdescr=>get_c( p_length = 1 ).

  INSERT gw_component INTO TABLE gt_components.
  MOVE 'OPTION' TO gw_component-name.
  gw_component-type ?= cl_abap_elemdescr=>get_c( p_length = 2 ).

  INSERT gw_component INTO TABLE gt_components.

 MOVE 'LOW' TO gw_component-name.

  gw_component-type ?= cl_abap_elemdescr=>describe_by_name( wa_select-fieldnm ).

  INSERT gw_component INTO TABLE gt_components.

  MOVE 'HIGH' TO gw_component-name.

  gw_component-type ?= cl_abap_elemdescr=>describe_by_name( wa_select-fieldnm ).

  INSERT gw_component INTO TABLE gt_components.

* get structure descriptor -> GR_STRUCTDESCR

  gr_structdescr ?= cl_abap_structdescr=>create( gt_components ).

* create work area of structure GR_STRUCTDESCR -> GR_WA

  CREATE DATA gr_wa TYPE HANDLE gr_structdescr.

  ASSIGN gr_wa->* TO <fs_wa>.

*Move the values to the field symbol work area

MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa_select TO <fs_wa>.

  gr_datadescr ?= gr_structdescr.

  gr_tabledescr ?= cl_abap_tabledescr=>create( gr_datadescr ).

* Create dynmaic internal table for each range

  CREATE DATA gr_tab TYPE HANDLE gr_tabledescr.

  ASSIGN gr_tab->*        TO <range_1>.

    ASSIGN gr_tab->*      TO <range_2>.

      ASSIGN gr_tab->*    TO <range_3>.

        ASSIGN gr_tab->*  TO <range_4>.

CASE  wa_select-fieldnm .

  WHEN 'field1'.

  APPEND <fs_wa> TO <range_1>.

  WHEN 'field2'.

 APPEND <fs_wa>  TO <range_2>.

* -

* -

* -

* *Like his so on for multiple fields.


REFRESH : gt_components.

UNASSIGN : <fs_wa>.


thanks again


0 Kudos

Ich hatte gerade auch eine ähnliche Aufgabe für den Aufbau einer dynamische Range für eine Prüfung. Mein Ansatz war allerdings ohne LOOP.

Hier mein Vorschlag.

lv_datenelement TYPE string,
lr_range TYPE REF TO data.
**LOOP AT gt_select INTO DATA(ls_select).
lv_datenelement = ls_select-tabname && `-` && ls_select-fieldname.

TYPES: tyt_range LIKE RANGE OF lv_datenelement.
FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lt_range> TYPE tyt_range.

CREATE DATA lr_range TYPE tyt_range.
ASSIGN lr_range->* TO <lt_range>.

<ls_range>-sign = ls_select-low.
<ls_range>-option = ls_select-option
<ls_range>-low = ls_select-low.

<ls_range>-high = ls_select-high.

IF ls_select-check_value in <lt_range>.

* Handling Check


UNASSIGN <lt_range>.


Active Contributor

This question is 3 years ago man...

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

... and most importantly:

  1. it doesn't even answer the question (whose main assumption is the presence of LOOP AT gt_select, you just remove it)
  2. your code is misleading, because it creates ranges of type "string", not ranges of type defined in variable tabname-fieldname (you can check that in debug). The only solution is the one posted by the OP based on the RTTC classes.
Active Contributor
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If it's character based field, then the type doesn't matter much and a range of string will work fine.

Active Contributor

matthew.billingham of course, but what about numeric fields. Anyway, I was saying that the following part of the code is misleading, probably the goal of the initialization of LV_DATENELEMENT was to make the TYPES declaration "dynamic", but of course it can't work:

lv_datenelement = ls_select-tabname && `-` && ls_select-fieldname.
TYPES: tyt_range LIKE RANGE OF lv_datenelement. CREATE DATA lr_range TYPE tyt_range.
Former Member
0 Kudos

Dynamic internal table building concept itself can be used and you can create ranges dynamically. Check that, how dynamic internal table can created. Many posts are available.