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Workflow: Synchronous Dialog Chain is broken

Former Member
0 Kudos

I have two dialog steps, both with the same possible agents. After the first step I save the actual agent in a WF container element and assign that as the agent of the second dialog step. There are some background steps between the two dialog steps.

Can anyone tell me why the second dialog step is sent to actual agent's Inbox instead of executing in Immediate Dialog mode.

The steps are something like this:

Dialog Step1 determines the Responsible agents using a rule (works fine).

Step 2: saves the actual agent in a WF Container element z_actual_agent.

Dialog Step 3 is assigned z_actual_agent as an expression.

Step 3 is sent to the user's Inbox instead of executing as an Immediate Dialog.

All dialog steps have 'Advance with dialog' checked.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos


Rather than having a Step 2, try binding the actual agent to the Container element z_actual_agent in the first step itself. Let me know if it works.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Ramki,

Thanks for the response. Actually that's what I do in Step 1 - I save the actual agent in z_actual_agent through Binding of Step1. I had mis-stated before.

All the succeeding dialog steps are assigned to z_actual_agent, saved from the first step. And yet they all end up in the Inbox instead of being executed in 'immediate dialog'.

Thanks again for your help.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos


Are your steps synchronous or do they wait for a terminating event?


Sorry Jameel, you did say Synchronous Dialog Chain in the subject. Ignore my question.

Message was edited by: Ramki Maley

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Jameel,

Are you still monitoring this thread? If so, I'm interested to know if you solved this problem. I'm having a similar problem with "synchronous dialog chains" following implementation of the UWL. Basically, they are no longer work if you use the UWL. This has been confirmed by SAP via OSS. I'm curious whether the UWL had anytning to do with your specific issue.

