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BSP Outlook calendar Integration

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We are creating a BSP application for tracking some activities, in that application we have a requirement that, when certain type of activity is created, for example, Appointment with doctor at 2:00 PM, on 10th April 2005, this task should also be created/sent automatically in MS outlook as well.

Appreciate if some one throws light on possible solutionsclues...ideas......



Accepted Solutions (1)

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I have just researched a little:

You can generate the <b>.ics</b> file and place the reference to it on the page. When user clicks this link - browser downloads the file and starts the outlook (on the local mashine) in order to process this file (create new calendar record).

The file must have <b>text/calendar</b> content type.

See an <b>RFC2445</b> about this type files:

Since this is the simple text it can be easily generated by BSP.

The file also can be sent to client by mail.

See example at Microsoft:

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Hi Artem,

while researching, did you come across any easy or comfortable way to improve this way to create an "update"-function?

For example when some record has changed, it is imported again, but the existing entry still remains ...

Marking the records with a special Category makes them easy to search/filter for, but one would still have to do deleting manually.

I wonder if you found out anything that would be helpful here ...


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Hi Max,

I have just found the way :). Not an expert here. Just did the little experiment.

I believe that there is the special command for updating: See RFC.

Also you can make an appointment in the outlook and check which data it sends (attached calendar data). Then change an appointment and check this data again. This is the way how I would research this.

Good luck


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Hi Artem,

I am not sure which RFC you are talking about. Is it RFC modules in SAP or the link you specified.

I know if you are woking on a Microsoft platform, it's as easy as getting the instance of the ActiveX control and setting the values and update the outlook calandar. BSP Forum, How can I achieve the same.


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Hi Suresh,

I meant just the documentation: RFC2445 about this type files

There is no need to invoke an ActiveX component to add the appointment into calender. Only the calender file is enough.

Click this link for example: <a href="">click!</a>

Then click "Open" and the new appointment will be made within your calender automatically.

The file contains following text:


PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook 10.0 MIMEDIR//EN









index.sdn?page=3Dsdnmeetslabs.htm =0D=0A





Ofcourse it can be generated dynamically by the server (for exampl by BSP page).



Former Member
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Hi Artem,

Thanks a lot for your information.

Is it any way to automatically update the outlook calandar without manually openig the .vcs file.



Message was edited by: Suresh Babu

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Only with the ActiveX components.

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Is there any way to call ActiveX component from BSP(I know it's stupid to ask this question as the platforms are different) I just wanted to give it a try????


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I haven't had to deal with ActiveX components yet, but let me throw in a reminder here: (hoping there are no ActiveX facts that disprove me ...)

BSP and ActiveX are running on different sides of the HTTP world, BSP being on the server, and ActiveX on the client. Therefore it doesn't matter if you use BSP, or JSP, PHP, whatever ... the browser just receives some HTML code to work with.

You're right stating that the platforms are different, hope this explains why they are


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Max is correct, so basically YES you can run ActiveX components.

Check out these weblog for some examples:




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Can anybody throw more ideas on this please....


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Many ideas abound, but I must admit I am missing the question. Of course, running ActiveX on a BSP is like writing HTML on the page. You just write <object...> sequence. This normal HTML will instantiate the ActiveX object for you.

However, there are some problems, which makes ActiveX stuff difficult to use:

(*) Many people have their browsers so installed, that they will not load or execute ActiveX settings. So where possible, we try to completely not use ActiveX.

(*) With every roundtrip, your ActiveX is destroyed (first HTML page is unloaded) and then created new (new HTML page is loaded). To prevent this, you need really complex HTML code (framesets, etc) and JavaScript code.

Maybe you can gather relevant parts of this thread to formulate your questions on a new thread.

bye, brian

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

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with this thread I was able to create these VCS items (only with GUI_DOWNLOAD) but now I tried to attach the vcs information (internal table) to an email as attachment. I have the problem that I lost the format information (Outlook don't likes this) by sending these information. Does anybody knows a solution for that problem?



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Hi Nils,

I suggest you create a separate thread/question for this, makes it easier when searching for information and also for others to answer your question.



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Although it has it's security risks there are several ActiveX components for the integration into Outlook from web application.

Do a search in Google and you will find many right off the bat. It's just a matter of looking at each one to see if they match your needs, Microsoft themselves have of course ones as well so you might try there first.