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At the time of uploading Meter Reading getting standard Error MsgNo EL-128

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Experts,

When I was estimating the meter reading through EL-28 transaction I was getting an standard error message as

"Device &1 register &2: estimation could not determine a valid MR" .

Error class:EL

Error msg no:128

Can any one plese explain me the scenario in which we are going to get this error message.

Kindly reply me ASAP.

Thanks in Advance.



Former Member
0 Kudos


This error message is generally thrown be the system when the meter read for that register is abnormal. For e.g. lets say the first meter read is 100 KWH and then you have 120 KWH and after that it is 105 KHW. Also at the register level you have to maintain the roughly estimated consumption with days for which that is applicable. Although there are certian other factors which guide this estimation process. But primarily I would request you to check whether your problem is related to this scenario or not.



0 Kudos

Thanks for your reply.

step1: Actually my scenario is when I was entering the meter reading(manually, not by clicking on estimation button) in el28

then SAP was displaying me a information message as "Device &1 , Register &2 : Independent validations not possible" .

step2: And as per my analysis I found out that this("Device &1 , Register &2 : Independent validations not possible") error

occurs in the scenario when we are unable to do the estimate for a particular meter reading.

step3: So now I executed the el28 transaction and clicked on estimate button . Now it showed the error message

"Device &1, register &2: estimation could not determine a valid MR" and in addition to this it also displayed a error

message like "No degree day coefficient entered on 14.01.2011 with temp. area TEST in table TE403.(message id

and number : EL-368 )

So can you explain me this scenario and reason for this error display.

Thanks in advance.

0 Kudos


Please check the below link to understand the relation between Degree day coefficient and Extrapolation.

Also do check the table TE403 with temperature area TEST for the value on 14.01.2011 through SM30.

Let us know if you need further help.



0 Kudos

Its fine that may be due to the reason for not maintaining the value in tableTE403 the error is generated in step2.

but can u explain me why the error has occurred in step1.("Device &1 , Register &2 : Independent validations not possible" )

step1: Actually my scenario is when I was entering the meter reading(manually, not by clicking on estimation button) in el28

then SAP was displaying me a information message as "Device &1 , Register &2 : Independent validations not possible" .

0 Kudos


Please check the below path for the independent validation config for your system:

SPRO->SAP Utilities->Device Management->Meter Reading->Validation Checks->Independent Validations.

Now based on this above config, compare the previous meter reads and current meter reads and identify the validation checks.

In order to search that use EL31 and navigate to meter read by clicking MR date.

Using these two I believe you will be able idenfy the issue.
