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Workflow go-live and cut-over question

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Hi all,

We are using a customized workflow for travel approvals. The workflow template number lets say is 90000010. The business requested massive chenges to the workflow. So what i did was took a copy of 90000010, created 90000011 and made all the modifications.

I activated 90000011 in event linkage in swe2 transaction.

So my idea is to migrate 9000011 to production, but my concern is what will have happen to the trips that have already been trigerred usign 90000010. I assume they will continue to get processed until they reach their logical end correct? Please advise here.



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Existing workflow instances will continue normally. There was no need to create a new workflow, you could've just created a new version (which also isn't absolutely necessary but a good idea if you're making major changes).

Just watch out that you haven't made changes to any underlying tasks that would be used by the existing workflow instances.


Rick Bakker

hanabi technology

Former Member
0 Kudos


Considering that you have not modified any version independent element which are common in both workflows, the old instance will continue to follow in the old path until they are finished...

Follow the following approach:

1. Transport the workflow to the production system.

2. Check that the workflow is activated properly.

3. Then transport the request for activation of new or deactivation of old for workflow ( like events etc...).

Create 2 separate requests for workflow definition and activation.

