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Need a Tool to Display When a Program Was Last Used

Former Member
0 Kudos

Is there an SAP tool that tells when a program was last ran? I need to terminate some custom programs but unsure of which programs are not being used. Is there anything in SAP that I can use to tell me when a program was last used i.e., 6 months ago, 1 year or 2 years ago or perhaps more?

Thanks in advance and Happy New Year!


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Beth

The transaction code 'STAT' should be for this. So check it out and see whether it gives what you want or not.

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Kind Regards...


Former Member
0 Kudos

Nope, this is not giving me what I need. I would appreciate any other answers.

Thanks again.

0 Kudos

Hi Beth,

Information like this is as good as the logging configured in your system. If your basis team is good at keeping logs for a long time, then you should be able to get this information using SM20 transaction.

If they didn't keep the logs(since they are voluminous, they periodically delete them), then you have no trace of them). Work with your basis team, they may know more transactions.

Another option is to pick the programs that you think are obsolete, remove access to execute them from all the users and if no one comes back, you may delete it. But this means you may even have to wait for one year, as there may reports that are run only on year-end.

There is no straight forward way of knowing this information unless you have the basis help.

Please let me know if it helped.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Beth,

The Table <b>FRUN</b> contains the Run Date of a Program, also exist the table <b>RSEUINC</b> which contains the Main program for inactive includes.

The FRUN table describes:

1.- Abap Program Name

2.- Date on which the program was run

3.- Time on which the program was run

I hope this is the answer you're looking for.

Regards from Venezuela,


Former Member
0 Kudos

Thanks for all your help, unfortunately, I'm still not getting what I need. I have no access to SM20 and table FRUN only has 1 entry.

Please help.

0 Kudos

Hi Beth,

As I mentioned, it will not be possible to get this information without the help of your BASIS team. They have the authorization to run such logs for you or they can give you the authority to run SM20 upon some approval.

Please work with your basis team.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Try transaction STAT.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Back in my R/2 days, we had a request to delete ABAPs that were not being used. We had a utility that would identify when an ABAP was last used.

The danger is that you may have ABAPs that are only used to diagnose or correct a problem. If the problem has not occurred, then the ABAP is unused. This would actually be a good thing in that it would indicate that the problem has not occurred. But my point is that you would not want to delete the ABAP just because it has not been used in a while.