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LIS extraction errorS

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it seems that i havent done this LIS extraction for quite some time. In tcode LBW0, [connection of LIS info structure to SAP BW] i was surprised to see only a few Snnn info structures available. There no longer exists the structure S850. What happened? Is there a new step that i'm missing?

knowing this, i still tried to set-up LIS environments for existing info structures like S004 (material) and tried to generate its corresponding datasources. Again error messages appeared. for the LIS environment set-up step, the error was: "008 LIS environment: Generation not possible in SAP name range" --Im really getting confused. Please do help me ASAP. Thank you.

Roberto or any generous person out there. If there are new procedures for LIS extraction, please let me know. A good old white paper, or how-to paper would be great! Thank you very much!


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Hi Peter,

which type of LIS structures is the S850 (I'm not founding it on my system as well) ?

When you try to generate from the LBW0 the datasources for the S004, which is the technical name (class and number) of the message ?

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Hi roberto,

sorry for the mix-up. I found out through more reading, that the LIS extraction methodology is a bit outdated, i understand that the LO extraction with V3 updating is the "in" thing now a days. Is this observation accurate?

Also, which business content do you usually activate for clients who still want LIS? Is it stil advisable to use LIS extraction or LBWE extraction?

...when i tried generating datasources for S004 (material), i was successful, however, there were still errors in setting up the LIS environment.

Thank you my mentor!


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absolutely yes: LIS extraction methodology is outdated and, when possible, you have to use LBWE you are right when you said that V3 updating is the 'in' extraction method today !

I suggest you to take a look into LBWE field catalogues and in RSA5 to compare the information content of your datasources before using them and please refer to one of my previous post in which I explained the advantages of Logistic Cockpit against LIS.

If you are facing some problem with S004, write something in order to permit to us in helping you!



Answers (3)

Answers (3)

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I would like to add new KFs not available in standard catalogs to the LIS structure for Flexible planning S9nn. Also How is data populated in these fields? Apreciate your help.


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Hi Jaya,

if you need something I suggest you to post new messages and not to 'link' to a previous's better and clearer for all !

However, I'm sorry, but I can't help you about your needs, cause I'm not an expert of the old LIS structure (OLTP side not directly involved fro the BW flow) and I've never seen the flexible planning area involved in one of my past BW project...but I think you have to find the std enhancement provided by SAP for this type of purpose (on the help on line ? OSS Notes ?)...



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Hi Peter,

you are right, when you think, that the way of extracting data out of the LIS structures S... is not state of the art. Since 2.0 you should use the customizing cockpit to customize your logistics data extraction. This 'new' functionality provide a lot more possibilities to extract logistics data to BW.



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Hi Peter !

some helps ?! no problem !

I'm sending you an old document in which you can find the general steps to work with LIS Infostructures/Sources.

Waiting for your (I hope a positive one!) feedback...



Former Member
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Dear Roberto,

Wow! Fast service once again! Unfortunately, the documents that you have given me are quite outdated, i should know because that is the same document that I have been using.

I still don't understand why certain infostructures are missing. Are these steps obsolete already for LIS extraction? I hope someone could shed more light into this. Thanks anyway roberto, I really appreciate how fast you reply to my concerns! Thank you!
