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how to delete the order

Former Member
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I can delete the order from GUI but how to do do that one in webui.

where esxcatly it is.

on search transactions, am not able to see.



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If you open order in web ui there is a trashcan icon in toolbar which is used to delete orders.

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but the button is disabled. is there any way to enable it

thanks priya

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If button is disabled then there are 2 things possible if you didn't change the standard:

- that you don't have authorization to delete this order

- that the order is in "closed" or "completed" system status


Former Member
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Hi Robert,

thanks for your update

am able to see buttons like go, advanced, delete at the top rightof the page . but these buttons are disabled.

is this is the delete button that is used to delete orders

am able to delete the order from gui. so no authorization issue.

is the top right button is the correct one. or is there some other place.



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No, the top right buttons refer to central search functionality.

When you open certain order, at the top of overview of that sales order you should get toolbar related to that transaction. it is stated just below the header line of that order where you see the name of that order.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Robert,

am not able to see delete for order

what able to see are save, cancel,new, copy, create follow up, print, print preview and more but no delete.

can you please send something. am really strugling on this.



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Delete button is placed between new and copy button. But as i see in coding it is disabled if the order is persistent, othewise it is hidden. Check the below section of standard coding for this toolbar...

  • Delete button

ls_button-type = cl_thtmlb_util=>gc_icon_delete.

ls_button-tooltip = cl_wd_utilities=>get_otr_text_by_alias( 'CRM_UIU_BT_SALES_ORDER/SALESORDER_DELETE' ). "#EC NOTEXT

ls_button-on_click = 'DELETE'. "#EC NOTEXT

ls_button-page_id = me->component_id.

IF lv_persistent = abap_true.

ls_button-enabled = abap_true.


ls_button-enabled = abap_false.


IF lv_archived = abap_false.

APPEND ls_button TO rt_buttons.


CLEAR ls_button.

Former Member
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Thanks very much robert

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