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CPS process server restart

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HI Expets,

I am new to CPS. So i am looking for help in this forum. We have included two systems in CPS and defined process servers for them.

If the SAP system goes down for any reason, the prcoess server status changing to shutdown . CPS is not trying to restart the process server even after SAP syste is back up and running. We have to manually restart the process server evrytime.

Is there any way to to check the process server status and restart of process server automatically?



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I would look at the operator messages, normally, when a process server fails to start, that is where you would see notifications relating to the problem. You can also right-click the process server and click Get Support Files.

If you find none, check if you have Start On Startup set to false (unchecked):

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Hello Nagarjun,

If the connection between CPS and the SAP system is broken, I would expect the process server to change to "Connecting" status. Then the process server should return to RUNNING status when the connection is restored.

How exactly is the conenction to the SAP system lost in your tests?

Have you tried different ways of breaking the connection? Same results?



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I am also facing the same issue in Redwood BPA during system refresh the process server in BPA tool gets stopped automatically but when the system is back in use the process server is not getting started automatically we need to restart it manually.