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Drag&Relate in EP6 SP2

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi all,

I am looking for information about how to enable Drag&Relate iViews in EP6. I am wondering if there is some step by step hands-on document available for this?

I saw that in EP5 a unification server was required to enable Drag&Relate. What about in EP6? Can I drag an object from an iView and drag it again onto another one as Input?

Any hints are welcome!

Thanks and Best Regards!


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Active Contributor
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That's a bit misleading. For EP6 on less than the NW04 release, Unification still requires the separate unification server and ss basically Unifier5.0 based. With NW04, unification will be incorporated into the architecture (ie. no longer a separate server(s)). I am in EP6 cert. class right now and the instructor just covered this. He was in class last week for the new NW stuff and this was covered but was still even in beginning stages (ie. no working example in class). Hope this helps.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi all,

Absolutely right, sorry for the misunderstanding.

Full, Java, embedded into the PP, unification is available as of NW 04 Stack 05 (PP SP7).

Hope this clarify things.



Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Lei Liu,

U definately need the Unification server to enable the drag&relate feature in EP 5 and also EP6.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Lei Liu and Rachana Thoutireddy,

As of theses days, you are no longer need EP 5 unification in order to run unification scenarios in EP6 - the full Java Unification is now avilabel.

Check out the documentation.

