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Info structures update

Former Member
0 Kudos


I'm new to info structures (I'm otherwise ABAPer) and I'm probably not posting this question on the right forum. If so, please redirect me.

Anyway, here's the question:

How do I set an info structure to be filled with data on certain actions? My first idea (as ABAPer) is to use brutal force like user-exit and direct table insert. But I suppose that info structures were not ment to be treated this way, because otherwise they wouldn't differ from Z* tables. Does anyone know the proper way to do this(or proper forum for this question)?

Kind regards,

Igor Barbaric

SAP Consultant (ABAP)

Kaufland Croatia


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Igor,

if I understood your question properly you are right: application admin/consultant is intended to set this in customizing. The effect of customizing is that tables and programs are created and activated.

Example of this can be e.g. LIS - logistics information system. But it is getting obsolete I think - depends on the version (mySAP or R/3) you have.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Igor.

I've done both and may be able to assist. I've only done the LIS structure to capture incoming orders and sales.

Start here:


Logistics General

--Logistics Information System (LIS)


Logistics Data Warehouse


Data Basis

Check the Information Structures and the Updating sections. Basically you either use an existing structure or create a new one. Then you have to go into updating and turn it on for that structure. Certainly it is more complicated that that but let's see how far you get reading in this section of SPRO.

Crew Reynolds


0 Kudos

Thanks, Crew, for an excellent starting point!

I have created the simpliest possible info struc for sample (just one field - MATNR), but don't know what to do next.

Could you advise me how can I set the info struc to be updated when user submits a transaction (e.g. VKU3 - Partial revaluation)?

This SPRO section looks pretty complicated and is surely not straight-forward for a novice. I have no books nor experienced coleagues on this. It' s rather painful digging around on my own without any support, but I have no choice, so I'll keep on.

Are there any books, tutorials or other downloadable/buyable materials on this?

Thanks again for your input and thanks in advance for the new one!

Kind regards,

Igor Barbaric

0 Kudos

Hi Igor,

maybe this is excellent time to put little pressure on your bosses to get appropriate training (or to hire consultant).

I cannot help you more - do not know more. But hope some guys here will give you some advanced hints or you could start reading SAP online/customizing help - very entertaining and fast reading (or not? )).

Good luck


0 Kudos

Hi, Momkic!

Unfortunately, in my company pressure goes opposite direction. I've been pushed into water to learn to swim, and for assistance, I've got a bag of bricks to carry.

Seriously, up to now I didn't find anything in SAP help because I didn't know where to search, and it's not known for poverfull search engine. Now I'll try and see. Who knows, I might as well find some hidden treasure. Thanks for moral support anyway!

Kind regards,

Igor Barbaric

0 Kudos

Hi Igor,

it cannot be that bad since you still have sense of humor

You probably tried this, but just to be sure check this hub:

or Logistics Information System:

It also might be good idea to read the documentation that is (supposed to be) available in customizing (next to the customizing node or inside).


0 Kudos

Our LIS structures were set up by the implementation team so I'm getting this second hand by looking at SPRO. I have loaded them and made mods in the past. I'll tell you what I can.

We use LIS to capture order and sales data. I'm not familiar with the event you're talking about but it is likely in there some place. I'll tell you what I can about how mine is set up and maybe you can get a clue therein. I must say that is is one area of SAP that I really dislike. Very complicated and documentation is hard to find.

I'm not sure how far you are but if you've managed to build an infostructure (it should be an empty transparent table. ex. S501) then let's see if just turning on the update is all you need. If not, we'll have to look at the structure and update rules.

See the section under LIS called Updating/Updating Control. Run the Activate Update tran, select the area you data comes from, and take a peek at that list. For each structure, there is an update control. It shows the level up rollup of the data (daily, monthly, etc.) I believe. IN the updating section, you'll see update methods K 1 2 3. K is "OFF", no updates. 1 is synchronous (V1 update, transaction save waits until LIS is updated), 2 is async (V2 update, transaction requests an update but let's it run async), 3 is the same as 2 accept that the update is scheduled differently. Just check the F1 help on each of these radio buttons.

Once you turn on an update, your transaction should spawn an entry into the LIS structure if all went well.

See if that clue gives you a boost. If not, let me know what specific questions you have and I'll try to assist.

0 Kudos

Hi, Crew!

Thanks to you, I think I'm doing some progress. I am also following trail of external consultants who created a few of these things years ago. I have created the new IS as a copy of their. I found my new info struc in the right place in Activate Update (Retail). "Period unit" options are enabled, but "Updating" options are not. And "No updating" is selected. There must be something more. I checked those "Settings" nodes, but found nothing straight-forward. As for "Settings: Retail", I can only see a bunch of checkboxes. Some were already set (probably by ext consultants). Could it be that each checkbox represents one transaction user-exit? If so, how can transaction be sure that IS has proper field structure to accept values? And what if it doesn't?

There are many questions, but next step would be to see why these Activate Update options for my IS are disabled.


Kind regards,

Igor Barbaric

0 Kudos

Hi Igor,

I'mnot up on Retail but let's look at that updating thing. If you can see the columns of radio buttons like I described (See MCH6), they look greyed out. Try double-clicking on the radio button for your structure under updating. Set it to 2. If you double click it, you should see a popup allowing the change. If you don't, then you may have a security issue. I have full access so that's not an issue for me. Let me know if that was it.

0 Kudos


I came across a custom info structure with whole set of repeated (duplicated) fields. Since I know that this is technically impossible, I supposed that it's in fact different fieldnames with the same data elements. I examined the info struc in ABAP dictionary and found that all dup fields have extension "22". For example, field UBPGVO has it's duplicate: UBPGVO22. There are 10 such fields. However, I can't find "*22" duplicates in info struc field catalogs. What's the secret of this phenomenon? Is there any search engine for field catalogs' fields?


Kind regards,

Igor Barbaric

0 Kudos

Hi Igor.

Did you ever get your structure updating?

I'm not sure where to point you on the duplicate field issue. Have you looked at the Field Catalogs section of LIS / Data Basis in SPRO?

0 Kudos

Hi, Crew!

I haven't got it updated yet, I'm having problems with data on DEV system, so I can't even try.

Field catalogs in LIS are not searchable at all. I tried to track down the DB table containing field catalog fields, but was unsuccessfull. I don't have other ideas so far.

Kind regards,

Igor Barbaric

0 Kudos

I'm not sure how this will help but here are the field catalog tables I found.


Check the SE11 dictionary to see if those are what you are after.

Good luck.

0 Kudos

Thanks, Crew!

TFCF seemed to be what I was looking for. But I can't find mysterious fields there neither. Is it possible to add fields to info struc in other way than by field catalogs? Or, is it possible to create field cat, add fields and delete field cat (would info struc still work)?


Igor Barbaric