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Jsp error

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi all,

i need some help with the code below wich i have in an jsp file:

<% if(a==1) { %>

show an tabstripitem

<% } else { %>


<% } %>

I am trying to use this to turn a tab in an tabstrip on or off depending on what role the have in the portal. when i use this for a buttonRow which is outside the tabstrip i works fine, but inside it throws errors... for example

C:/usr/sap/POT1/j2ee/j2ee_00/cluster/server/services/servlet_jsp/work/jspTemp/irj/root/WEB-INF/portal/portalapps/WRCJSPDYN_1.0/work/pagelet/ while expected } finally { ^

I hope someone can help me,


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Answers (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Max,

If you are using this logic inside a <hbj:...> tag then you might want to check whether you can or not. I mean the best place to look is in the JAVA file generated by the J2EE engine from the JSP page you have written. The file is the one listed in the error:, check out line 1952 and see what code has been generated. My guess is the HTMLB tag doesn't like having a scriplet embedded in it.

