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User and Infotype report

Former Member
0 Kudos


I am not sure it's the correct forum for my question, but I will try it anyway.

I was asked to do a report that have a user name and all the infotypes (in PA30) that he can see.

i.e.: the first column is the user name (toni-k for example) and the next column is a list of the infotypes

he has the authorization to see (0102, 0001 for example).

Thank you.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Please sit/consult with your BASIS and ABAP persons , build a custom report for the mentioned requirement

Answers (7)

Answers (7)

Former Member
0 Kudos


Not required to create any custom report or do any complex thing.

simply user SUIM

1. SUIM >>> Where-Used List >>> Authorization values >>> In Users

2. specify P_ORGIN as the Authorization Object

3. Click Entry Values

4. Specify Infotype that you are want to

5. Execute

Then export to Excel and change layout as you like in excel.

Former Member
0 Kudos


Take technical consultant help and you could generate the required report.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Rami,

To see which users has authorization to see which infotypes you can go as follows:

Go to SU01 - Information - Information system - Users - Users by complex selection criteria-

There specify the authorization objects which you use to grant access to infotypes.

Then press edit values and fill infotypes field.

Execute the report.



Former Member
0 Kudos


Go with the same as suggested by Dilek.

I don't think we need to develop a report for this.

It is very much available in SUIM.


Khalid Bin Mohammed Al Abusani

Former Member
0 Kudos

Please check the following report (in SE38), maybe it has what you need: RHUSERRELATIONS



Former Member
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There is no standard SAP report for that. But there is possible temporary solution, especially if you want to check access to critical infotypes.

Start transaction S_BCE_68001397, there you can set specific search criterias.

In you case you need to check all employees who have access to transaction PA30 and can read infortypes:

1. Set criteria to check access to transaction PA30. In the field authorization object 1 enter S_TCODE and in field value put PA30.

2. Set criteria to check read access to infotypes. In the field authorization object 2 enter P_ORGIN and in fiield infotype enter infotpye access that you want to check, in field authorization enter R (read). Execute and you will see all users that can view mentioned infotypes.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

You'll probably require to build your own report. That's what we had to do to get a report of the rôles and structural authorizations each user had.

Former Member
0 Kudos

This would be a security report. I donu2019t know a lot about it, but try looking through whatu2019s available using Transaction Code SUIM.

