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Composite Control (XMLComposite) for a ListItem


Hi everyone,

i would like to create a composite control like it's documented in XML Composite Controls in the documentation (

My composite control should be a custom list item.
Because the composite control is a instance of sap.ui.core.XMLComposite i always get the error that the control is not valid for aggregation "items" of an sap.m.List which it is because the list wants a instance of sap.m.ListItemBase.

Does anybody has a solution for this?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Update: The module "sap/ui/core/XMLComposite" is unfortunately deprecated since 1.88.
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Product and Topic Expert
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Due to the deprecation, and since there was no response from the UI5 team, I closed the enhancement request:

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

You could create the content of the CustomListItem as an XMLComposite control.

<List items="{...}" xmlns="sap.m">
  <CustomListItem xmlns:custom="my.custom">
    <custom:MyCustomListItemContent ... />
<!-- MyCustomListItemContent.control.xml -->
<HBox xmlns="sap.m" width="100%" height="100%" renderType="Bare" ...>
  <!-- ... --->

Otherwise, I just created an enhancement request here since it's not just a CustomListItem problem but a general concept to be able to assign XMLComposite to specifically typed aggregations.

0 Kudos

Hi Boghyon,

thanks for your answer, i solved it with a little workaround like this.

I extended the sap.m.List to allow sap.ui.core.Control in the items aggregation.

], function(List, ListMode) {
	"use strict";
	var oList = List.extend("custom.List", {
		metadata: {
			aggregations: {
				items: {
					type: "sap.ui.core.Control",
					multiple: true,
					singularName: "item",
					bindable: "bindable",
					selector: "#{id} .sapMListItems",
					dnd: true
				defaultAggregation: "items"
		renderer: "sap.m.ListRenderer"

	oPhotoList.prototype.init = function() {, arguments);

	return oList;
}, true);

The List item is implemented as XMLComposit as follows:

], function(XMLComposite) {
	"use strict";
	var _oParent;
	var oListItem = XMLComposite.extend("custom.ListItem", {
		metadata: {
			properties: {
				imageSrc: {
					type: "string"
				description: {
					type: "string"
				_mode: {
					type: "sap.m.ListMode",
					group: "Behavior",
					visibility: "hidden"
		fragment: "custom.ListItem",

		onBeforeRendering: function() {
			_oParent = this.getParent();
			this.setProperty("_mode", _oParent.getMode());

	oListItem.prototype.getSelected = function() {
		var oListItem = this.byId("idListItem");
		if (oListItem.isSelectable()) {
			return oListItem.getProperty("selected");
		return false;

	oListItem.prototype._onPhotoPressed = function(oEvent) {
		<some code>

	oListItem.prototype._onDeletePressed = function(oEvent) {
			listItem: <code to get sap.m.CustomListItem>

	return oListItem;
}, true);

In onBeforeRendering i had to store the parent in a separate variabel because afterwards this.getParent() returns null.
In addition i had to implement getSelected because this method is called from the sap.m.List.
I also propagated the list mode to the item in the onBeforeRendering method to show a delete button. I had to add a custom delete buttion because the renderer of sap.m.CustomListItem calls methods from sap.m.List which only return the mode value when the caller is of type sap.m.ListItemBase, which isn't.

So with a little workaround i solved it.


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