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Standard POWL enhancement (field catalog)

0 Kudos

Dear all,

I enhanced an output structure of the existing POWL (within TM) in order to display some Z-fields in the result view

Well I've defined a new feeder-class which is inheriting from the original feeder-class:

In order to make my changes I've redefine the method GET_FIELD_CATALOG in simple way:

        i_username              = i_username
        i_applid                = i_applid
        i_type                  = i_type
        i_langu                 = i_langu
        i_selcrit_values        = i_selcrit_values
        e_fieldcat_changed      = e_fieldcat_changed
        e_visible_cols_count    = e_visible_cols_count
        e_visible_rows_count    = e_visible_rows_count
        e_default_technical_col = e_default_technical_col
        c_fieldcat              = c_fieldcat

    LOOP AT c_fieldcat ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<fs_fieldcat_walzzyklus>) WHERE colid = 'ZZ_WALZZYKLUS'.
      <fs_fieldcat_walzzyklus>-colpos = 21.
      <fs_fieldcat_walzzyklus>-col_visible = 'X'.
*      <fs_fieldcat_walzzyklus>-header_by_ddic = 'X'.
*      <fs_fieldcat_walzzyklus>-enabled = 'X'.
*      <fs_fieldcat_walzzyklus>-allow_sort = 'X'.
*      <fs_fieldcat_walzzyklus>-allow_filter = 'X'.

I also append my Z-field to the output structure which I've found in the CONSTRUCTOR-Methode of the original class.

So for me everything looks fine...but the field will not be displayed for some reason...

Does anyone have any idea what could be the reason of this?

Thanks and BR.

UPDATE: when I start the worklist application I even get the message that additional data was read:

But still no column in the result view...also ton in the hidden columns


Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

0 Kudos

Problem solved.

The reason was wrong colpos, which was already used.

Answers (0)