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Set initial selected value in dropdown list

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi guys!

A really frequent asked question but I didn't find my answer in all posts around it.

I need to set initial value selected in a dropdown list amoung all entry in this list.

For tis i used context mapping with a 0,n node. I get all my values in the list. I also have a single attribute that hold the initial value to compare with and I wrote the following script at form:ready event of my listbox :

this.selectedIndex = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++)
if (this.getSaveItem(i) == $record.attr1.value)
	this.setItemState(i,true) = i;

And of course nothing happens (or it wouldn't be fun...)!!

Really need your help to get the default selecteded value back from db data.

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With Enumerated Drop-down List from WD library the first value should be selected by default.

Also setItemState works for Listbox and for DropdownList, you will need to write as

this.selectedIndex  = 0

Also check out JS code to loop all elements for a drop-down in this [wiki|]

Former Member
0 Kudos

Thx for the answer!

I'll check again my component type but setItemState doesn't work too. The this.selectedIndex = -1 is given to reset selection before choosing another one. I found it in several example. My need is not to select the fisrt element of the list (that is what i get right now) but recall the value saved last time by the application.

If anybody knows...

Another information : it seems that javascript doesn't work at all cause when i set the selected index to a fixed value ( for example 3 on 20 elements in the list) nothing happens too.

Former Member
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In fact that was a problem of binding... I need to bind elements to my 0,n node which contains all values but store the result (link binding) in a 0,1 attribute and then all is working fine.

Double binding : one for the value list the second to result attribute. I've never understood that point from all example i saw... I'm going to check if i need to change my glasses...

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