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Versions of MI

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0 Kudos

Hi everyone,

I'm a basis consultant. I have installed SAP MI 7.1 for our sandbox systems.

Now i am preparing a presentation about MI. I need clarifications on the following doubts

1.I would like to know the versions of MI and the differences between them.

2.I know that MI 7.0 is A+J and MI 7.1 is only ABAP stack, why did they remove the java stack and how does MI 7.1 address the needs of the java requirements ?

3.What are the configurations to be done (by a basis consultant) on a MI system(other than those common configurations of a an ECC system)after the installation?

4.Does the thin client require a DOE?

Thnks in advance.

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Former Member
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Netweaver mobile 7.10 is not just another new version of Netweaver Mobile 7.0

Mobile 7.10 comes with a complete architectural change and has more capabilities compared to 7.0 , high scalability(data volume, number of devices etc) , better modeling options, multi channel access , lesser synchronization time to name a few.

Netweaver mobile constitutes of server (DOE) and a default client framework (Netweaver mobile client) .

Mobile application could be created using NetweaverDeveloper Studio(NWDS) that will present the data required by the mobile device user.

This mobile application once deployed on a device will work on the local persistency and during synchronization with DOE sends the modified/new data to Backend via DOE.

Customers can also develop a custom client framework and application that still talks to DOE (and inturn to backend)

NW mobile 7.1 could be used to build mobile applications suiting offline and onlines scenarios.

In few words to mobilize enterprise solutions

SAP R/3 will act as backend

---talks to DOE through remote enabled BAPI Wrappers ---

NW mobile will be middleware that does the data orchestration


Upon Synchronization of mobile device with DOE using a messaging protocol over http(s)

Receivers could be devices with client application installed / another server.

After installation of NW Mobile , a configuration transaction SDOE_SR needs to be executed apart from other basic configuratoins like users, roles, ICF service activation etc.

Check out this [configuration guide|]



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Mr.Liji,

Thnks for ur reply. It cleared few of my doubts.

It wil be more helpful if u can answer for my 1st & 2nd question also.

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Nanda,

Correction - that was ME 2.0 / 2.1



Former Member
0 Kudos


Answer about your questions:

1- The big important difference is tha MI 7.0 use ABAP and Java Stack, Mobile 7.1 just ABAP stack. Another issue is that the new version Mobile 7.1 works great, and have an architecture more efficient. Don't think about what version install, just use the newest version Mobile 7.1

2-The java requirements was developed under de NWDS 7.1 with mobile plugins, the more easy way is using webdynpro for laptop or handheld. After you create your application you have to options: a) deploy on to your local client b) upload your java application on to the server (is not a deploy, just an upload) and after that you can configure your devices to download and deploy locally your app on the mobile clients.


David Faustini

Active Contributor
0 Kudos


I'm not deciding which version to install. I want to know the history of the versions of the MI.

As far as i know there is MI 2.5, 7.0, 7.1.

Can anyone help out wat do i miss in the verisons and also their details?

thnks & regards


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Nanda,

The other versions of MI was MI 2.0/2.1. They as well existed for some time. Few other (new) releases - 7.1 / 7.3 and so on.

