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ABAP trial 7.52 install missing shared libraries

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello All,

Execution of install gives message

Error: libstdc++6: shared library not found

Error libnsl: shared library not found

The following packages can provide the missing dependencies



Do you want to install the packages via your manager yes/no?

I chose yes and let install go. Did not see any install of packages. Seemed like the SAP install just continued. I went through several pages of the aggreement, then it stopped.

so I closed the window

Used Yast to load the packages and it appear to load.

restarted SUSE and tried SAP install again

Same message - I chose no this time

It hung up several pages into the agreement text as in previous attempt

I am running VirtualBox 5.2.18 r124319

SUSE is Leap 42.3

I checked for log in /tmp/sapinst_inst_dir but that directory does not exist

Thank You


0 Kudos

By reading through your steps - looks like you're probably just missing the step to exit the "Agreement" text.

To exit the "Agreement" text properly, just press 'Q' and then reply 'yes' to the agreement and let the installation run.

Hope that helps!

0 Kudos

Install of 7.52 SP 01 (on openSUSE under VirtualBox) failed with 3 errors "shared library not found" (libaio, libstdc++, libnsl). So I cancelled the installation and searched for a solution.

Unfortunately I could not find a "how to" for newbies. As there are some other reports on this issue (like this here), this may indicate that I'm not the only person running into this trouble.

Any simple instruction on what has to be done would grately be appreciated.

0 Kudos

I confirm, I had the same issue. I chose "yes". "press Q" is still missing in the guide.

Two other differences between my installation and the guide:

My first install didn't finish with the expected message "success" (last message was something like "SAPCAR extracted X files". I ran the installation again then it was fine.

I was also surprised that the 10 downloaded RAR files contained the same files again and again, during the extraction I always chose "don't overwrite". I also had a few compress errors during the extraction with 7zip but well I simply ignored them, and it seemed nothing was wrong finally.


If you install SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP 7.52 SP01 Developer Edition in OpenSuse Leap, unzip distr in folder, then open in editor mode. Find all strings content "opensuse" and replase it with string "opensuse-leap". Safe then try to run sudo ./ And answer all qwestions - yes to install this lib's. Maybe you finish your installation with positive result like me.

0 Kudos

My Installation finished with error

################################################ Abort execution because of Step returns modlib.jslib.caughtException ################################################modlibjslibcaughtexception.jpg

Do you have any idea ?

0 Kudos

Thanks Oleg,

I confirm this comment is solve the installation errors about shared library. It is working.