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Strange Moderator response: A moderator did not agree to your alert

Active Contributor

I am regularly reporting about incorrect tags in the questions. And the last week I can see a lot of messages like:

But if I check the question I can see that incorrect tag was removed! Looks like moderator is selecting incorrect option to close alert.


SAP Community tag was replaced by correct Careers

SAP Community tag was replaced by correct FIN Product Cost Planning

P.S. Unfortunately I am unable to see moderator's name...

P.P.S. I managed to find moderator name in one case: irisostrin

For the question:

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Today I can see a meaningful moderator response message in my activity stream:

Closing the issue!

Answers (6)

Answers (6)

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

Hi Vadim,

sorry for the inconvenience. We have done some changes in the moderation system which has led to this notification not being consistent with the moderation performance. So on the moderation end of this string we are actually processing the alert and changing the tag as alerted and as you noticed, but the message that is being sent is incorrect. This is on our radar to get fixed. Best, Mynyna

Active Contributor

Thanks! Let's wait for a fix!

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Still the same incorrect message today:

For question:

Incorrect tag "SAP Community" was removed by:

Active Contributor

Still, i think the guidelines are NOT clear enough.

Totally gibberish questions are still there, the alerts rejected and i wonder if it's worthy to try to keep this place clean and somehow "of quality".

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Any news? The bug is still not fixed!

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Any news? The bug is still not fixed.

Just reported this question for an incorrect tag (SAP Business One), and got a 'rejected' message. The tag was replaced however.

Active Contributor

As Mynyna has stated, with the changes to the moderation console, there can be some confusion (on the part of moderators as well as reporters). For instance, I just responded to an "incorrect tag" alert myself. I made the change as the reporter requested, but after that I 'canceled' the alert in order to clear it from the queue. I have no idea, but I suspect that action is now sending the incorrect "a moderator rejected your alert" when in fact I agreed with the alert and made the requested change.

So, please have patience, your alerts are being acted upon, but the automated response can be misleading.

Active Contributor

Sorry, but from common sense point of view the procedure has to be documented and delivered to moderators!

Message "A moderator did not agree to your alert" is very frustrating! No motivation to alert...

Active Contributor

It's the software that's got the error - not the moderators not following the process.

Active Contributor

So I have to say I'm having similar issues. Twice I have marked a question has having the wrong tag and it seems that the tag is gone and the question is still there. Also I requested some feedback to answer my questions and did not get an answer.

Kinda disappointed.

Active Contributor

"This is on our radar to get fixed" -- bug number please?

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Not sure the bug number will help you 🙂 We don't have public Community bug list with status today...

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"I'm from Missouri. Show me."

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I've also had two of these in the last couple of days. I alerted because the questions were in the wrong tags, such as this one which should be under a B1 tag instead of BusinessObjects, but the alert is being rejected and nothing is changed.


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Active Contributor
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Today I can see some meaningful moderator messages for my alerts, but still not sure that the issue is fixed. Have to wait!

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vadim.kalinin no, my last rejection is from 3 hrs ago

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simone.milesi (I hate the idea to use @mentions to comment on the comment!)

Yes, I checked my case - my alerts were about spam in blog comments not in the questions.

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vadim.kalinin me too! but if you comment my answer, you can avoid the mention and i get the notification anyway 🙂

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By the way, this is my question 🙂 And I receive only @mentions!

In general, removing comments levels is a disaster!