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How to add prefix to the starting of an XML element in HCI when converting from JSON?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi Colleagues,

I am trying to convert a JSON request(coming from External System) to XML(C4C) in HCI. I am using groovy script.

My input json is:

    "serviceCall": {
    	"id": "4021788",
    	"statusCode": "-2"

Expected Output xml in C4C is:

<glob:ServiceRequestReplicateConf xmlns:glob="">
			<InternalID schemeID="CommunicationSystemID" schemeAgencyID="310">AAAA</InternalID>
			<InternalID schemeID="CommunicationSystemID" schemeAgencyID="310">ZZZZ</InternalID>
		<ServiceRequestInstance actionCode="02">

Other than two values from json, I have to hard code all the xml structure with attribute, values, namespace & prefix as above.

Hence what i do is

Step 1: I will modify the received json to the above xml format so that in step 2-JSONtoXML converter can directly convert it and get the output


import java.util.HashMap;
import java.lang.StringBuffer;
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper;
import groovy.json.JsonBuilder;
import groovy.json.*;

def Message processData(Message message) {
    //def body = message.getBody(java.lang.String) as String;
    String body = message.getBody(String.class);
    def messageLog = messageLogFactory.getMessageLog(message);
    if(messageLog != null){
        messageLog.setStringProperty("Logging#1", "Printing Payload As Attachment");
        messageLog.addAttachmentAsString("Incoming JSON from Postman-Coresystem:", body, "text/json");
    //Parsing incoming json response from core
    def jsonSlurper     = new JsonSlurper();
    def incomingJson    = jsonSlurper.parseText(body) ;
    //Retreive the values from incomingJson
    String serviceCallID =;
    String statusCode    = incomingJson.serviceCall.statusCode;

    //Set the values to message property
    //Build new json with the c4c request structure
    def builder = new JsonBuilder()
    builder.ServiceRequestReplicateConf {
        MessageHeader {
            SenderParty {
                InternalID {
            RecipientParty {
                InternalID {
            BusinessScope {
        ServiceRequestReplicationConfirmationMessage {
            BasicMessageHeader {
            ServiceRequestInstance {
   String newjson = JsonOutput.prettyPrint(builder.toString());
    def messageLog2 = messageLogFactory.getMessageLog(message);
    if(messageLog != null){
        messageLog.setStringProperty("Logging#1", "Printing Payload As Attachment");
        messageLog.addAttachmentAsString("Remodelled Json with complete Structure like C4C:", newjson, "text/json");
    return message;
Modified Output Json
    "ServiceRequestReplicateConf": {
        "MessageHeader": {
            "ID": "MJTEST_CORE_TO_C4C",
            "CreationDateTime": "2018-07-07T12:00:00.1234567Z",
            "TestDataIndicator": "false",
            "ReconciliationIndicator": "true",
            "SenderParty": {
                "InternalID": {
                    "@schemeID": "CommunicationSystemID",
                    "@schemeAgencyID": "310",
                    "$title": "AAAA"
            "RecipientParty": {
                "InternalID": {
                    "@schemeID": "CommunicationSystemID",
                    "@schemeAgencyID": "310",
                    "$title": "ZZZZ"
            "BusinessScope": {
                "TypeCode": "3",
                "ID": "106"
        "ServiceRequestReplicationConfirmationMessage": {
            "BasicMessageHeader": {
                "ID": "SRQ_REQ_CONF"
            "ServiceRequestInstance": {
                "@actionCode": "02",
                "ID": "4021788",
                "StatusText": "-2"

Step 2: JSON to XML converter with Json Prefix(glob) and XML namespace(

Step 3: Send the XML to C4C via SOAP adapter

Output XML which i am getting:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<ServiceRequestReplicateConf xmlns:glob="">
      <InternalID schemeID="CommunicationSystemID" schemeAgencyID="310">AAAA</InternalID>
      <InternalID schemeID="CommunicationSystemID" schemeAgencyID="310">ZZZZ</InternalID>
    <ServiceRequestInstance actionCode="02">

What my requirement is :

In the below tags i need to add prefix 'glob' in the starting of the tag as shown from the Expected output xml in C4C.

<ServiceRequestReplicateConf xmlns:glob="">

Can you please help me in same?



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Morten,

Thanks for the information.

But I was actually looking to add a prefix to the starting of the tag.

This i could achieve as posting below


Mary Jose

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi Colleagues,

I could find out the answer which i am looking for.

I have modified the Step1 code with the below lines, by providing the prefix and starting tag in single quotes:

....def builder = new JsonBuilder() 
      builder.'glob:ServiceRequestReplicateConf' { 
              MessageHeader { ......

This gives me the expected output i need:

Output Json:

    "glob:ServiceRequestReplicateConf": {
        "MessageHeader": {

Output XML with prefix glob:


<glob:ServiceRequestReplicateConf xmlns:glob="">

P.S: Why I tried the approach which I took is, for Sender they don't have an XSD or general structure which I can map to C4C Inbound service structure. Hence tried this way.

Challenges I faced:

When I try with the answers which I get from Google, that doesn't support by JSONtoXML converter or groovy script. Also, I didn't find in Cloud Platform Integration( documentation regarding any example or syntax which should be supported in cases like mine. I was basically stuck with adding JSON prefix(e.g.: glob in my example), namespace (e.g.: xmlns:glob="" in my example) and also with a JSON element with both attribute and value(InternalID {'@schemeID'('CommunicationSystemID')'@schemeAgencyID'('310')'$title'('AAAA')}. Here, to denote attribute we have to use prefix '@' and for value we have to use prefix '$'.

Hope this helped colleagues who try to convert incoming JSON to Outgoing XML using JSON to XML converter in Groovy Script.

Thanks & Regards,

Mary Jose

0 Kudos

You could do this if you want it dynamically from an existing XML template

def parseXML = new XmlSlurper(false,true).parse(xas)
def oSalesOrderCollection = new XmlSlurper(false,false).parse(oSalesOrder)
//This Will change and replace the header and yield over it children dynamically 
def oSalesOrderSOAPMarkup = new StreamingMarkupBuilder().bind {'glob:SalesOrderBundleMaintainRequest_sync'( 'xmlns:glob':'' ){
                          mkp.yield oSalesOrderCollection.children()
def xmlString = XmlUtil.serialize(oSalesOrderSOAPMarkup)
def xml = new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlString)