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Where do I start?

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi everyone!

I'm a brazillian developer. I used to work with web development nowadays, but in the recent past I worked with AdvPl (TOTVS - Protheus) and a lot of business development. I got 5 years of experience, and I built my own ERP for a small company. So, I saw a lot of information about ABAP, Sap Hana and I feel lost with such information. I'm really interested about the SAP systems, so I want some light to know where do I start in this new world. Thank's in advance.


Active Contributor

Hi - I recommend taking the free Open SAP courses - some are developer-based. You can decide what interests you. The free courses are at - good luck

0 Kudos

Hi Tammy!
Thank you for yor answer!
I'll check these courses. But I got another concern, it's about the network that I must have to enter in the business in fact.