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FSCM Formulas in Eventing always empty FIN-FSCM-CR

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Is there anyone, who can confirm some customer specific working formulas on ECC 6.0, which are called, when an event is raised? As example score is invalid, so calculate EVL_RATING again.

All our own formulas in background (Trs. VA01) are always zero, just blacklist/ whitelist is working.

I know, there is a tutorial for that: but this only works for calculation in Trs. ukm_bp.
As you can see here, the bp has to be read by CALL FUNCTION ‘BUP_BUPA_BUT000_GET’

So this is not working in VA01 at all.

Is there a way to get bp or the credit segment in own formulas in all cases?

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Answers (1)

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Found the answer, probably interesting for other FSCM-CR Managers:

There is a difference between adding FIELDS or adding FUNCTIONS (which nobody unterstood by the SAP-Docu at first time)

Fields are just Container for calculated or somehwere saved and read functions (like FIRSTNAME)
Functions are executed with import parameters (mostly PARTNER, but some other parameters too and Return a value)

If you would like to add a function, you have to use the BADI for IF_EX_UKM_EV_FORMULA in a different way, because there are two ways to add things.

In our case the class ZCL_IM__UKM_EV_FORMULA


METHOD if_ex_ukm_ev_formula~add_fields.

DATA: ls_operands TYPE sfbeoprnd.
CONSTANTS: lc_empty TYPE sfbefsym VALUE space.

CASE i_key.

*Add Value (left side in ukm_formulas)
CLEAR ls_operands.
ls_operands–tech_name = ‘SFSGP’.
ls_operands–descriptn = text–sfs.
ls_operands–icon = ‘@7D@’.
ls_operands–type = ”.
APPEND ls_operands TO ct_operands.

*Add function (right side in ukm_formulas)
CLEAR ls_operands.
ls_operands–tech_name = ‘TEST’.
ls_operands–class = ‘ZCL_IM__UKM_EV_FORMULA’.
ls_operands–method = ‘TEST’.
APPEND ls_operands TO ct_operands.


this will create a FUNCTION named Test

This can be used like this in formula editor (as example: Substitution TEST (PARTNER)

yours, Markus