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BOMM 3.0 SQL Error

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From the BOMM DB file log, I got the following error:

[C-3026107] 2009-03-06 17:26:14.677 Executing SQL: INSERT INTO MMV_Relational_Column(data_element_id,is_current_version,batch_status,end_dt,effective_dt,configuration_id,create_actor_id,update_actor_id,checkpoint_id,data_group_id,dictionary_id,technical_name,domain_id,data_type_cd,length,scale,is_required,is_derived,data_element_type_cd,cluster_id,cuid,sql_data_type,primary_key_seq,is_indexed,has_default_value,default_value) VALUES('169206','B','I','4999-12-31 23:59:59','2009-03-06 17:26:14','62','72',null,null,'13672','227552','CALENDAR_QUARTER',null,'NUMC',null,null,'Y','N','RDBC',null,null,null,'2','U',null,null)

[E-3026103] 2009-03-06 17:26:14.677 DB2 SQL error: SQLCODE: -803, SQLSTATE: 23505, SQLERRMC: 1;BOXIADMIN.MMT_DATA_ELEMENT

[C-0000000] 2009-03-06 17:26:14.693 java.sql.SQLException: DB2 SQL error: SQLCODE: -803, SQLSTATE: 23505, SQLERRMC: 1;BOXIADMIN.MMT_DATA_ELEMENT

the duplicated record is

select * from mmt_data_element where data_element_id = 169206 and is_current_version='B' and batch_status='I' and end_dt = '4999-12-31 23:59:59'

anyone knows what happened? It generated the SQL to insert duplicated key

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Answers (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos

which Integrator you are running ? CMS Integrator ?

do you have different types of Integrators configured ? like CMS and RDBMS etc

can you get any info from the data that is being inserted like what is 'CALENDAR_QUARTER'

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Manoj,

There are two integrator

CMS: BOXI 3.0 + FP1 which is installed in the server as BOMM 3.0.

DI which is quite normal, it is successful every night.

kelvin ngai.