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Can't connect to HANA studio 2.3.35 with system user

0 Kudos

Hi Experts,

I try to connect database with system user in HANA studio 2.3.5 and Iit is not working.
If i try to connect with hdbsql, with this command:

hdbsql -i 01 -n localhost -d SystemDB -u SYSTEM

it working.

My original problem is that when i perform system copy the SWPM ask SYSTEM user password.

I changed system user password but SWPM and HANA DB Studio dont know the password.
My HANA DB is 2.0, and i change the original DB instanca 00 to 01 when i installed the sysdtem.

Thanks for the answers.
Best regards: Gotfrid

0 Kudos

I am facing same issue.

Any solution for the same?

0 Kudos

What was the solution?

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Answers (3)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Please check the Secure Store for the user and password validity. Use the latest SWPM and HANA Studio.

0 Kudos

Thanks Yogesh,

The phrase in the system copy just the preparation phrase. I did not give to SWPM the source database backup file-s .

I think the case the SWPM dont know the source system system user password.

Or not?

Would be probleme that the DB instance number is 01 not 00

Maybe the SWPM and Studio would like to connect in 30015 port not in 30115?

with hdbsql is working

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hello Gotfrid Spath,

Did you try your source system's password for SYSTEM user?

Try your source system password and check again.
