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Set default business partner role (Contact Person ) in BP search screen using BAdi

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hi experts,

this is requirement and i am new in sap so plz give the badi name and steps how to implement.

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Hi amit,

We do have BADI to make default value, but it is not required. Please refer the below note.

2045936 - Default Values for Advanced Search Pages

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Hi Rajkumar

this note was not open please give me exact idea what the actual procedure

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"this note was not open please give me exact idea what the actual procedure

What is mean by Not Open? Authorization issue? If you are not able to check note in the above shared link, still you can download and view the note 2045936 using SNOTE transaction.

The note clearly explains the enhancement is not required anymore, after note installation and maual step configuration, user personlization is possible to set the default values.

Former Member
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I checked in ehp2 but I unable to find that particular note

Former Member
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it doesn't download showing error:-

Error in remote connection to destination SAPOSS:

Error during the retrieval of the logon data

stored in secure storage

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The above note is applicable, if the software component version is greater than or equal to 701. If version is not satisfied, then proceed with manual changes in BADI.

"this is requirement and i am new in sap so plz give the badi name and steps how to implement.

Back to your initial question, use the package name to search BADI using SE84 transaction..

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Error in remote connection to destination SAPOSS:

There are more number of threads available for the above error, do search in google which help you to understand. Check with Basis team about RFC connection.