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Not seeing all DB tables in Crystal using ODBC connection

Former Member
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I have an ODBC connection to an oracle database. I can connect to the database and see all the tables through tools such as TOAD, SQL developer, SQLPlus, etc. However, in Crystal, i only see schema tables and not the tables I want. I am using the same connection, username, and password. If I run a report that was created in a different environment to the correct tables, I receive the error: ORA00942: table or view does not exist.

Oracle 10g


Any suggestions?


Diana Woronuk

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Active Contributor
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Hi Diana,

Go to File | Options and open the Database tab.

Make sure Tables and Views are checked. You may want to include Stored Procedures too.

Save the changes and restart Crystal.

You should see your tables now. If you have more than 200 objects in your database, you may need to use the Table Name Like option to filter out some of the tables.

Good luck,


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Brian,

Thanks for responding. I do have all options checked in the data explorer. When I only have those checked, I still don't see the tables. However, if I enter 1 table name I want to see in the Table Name Like box, I can see the table. However, I enter more than one table name (seperated by a comma) I only see the option to enter a command under the DB connection. Do you have any suggestions as to why this would happen?



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Diana,

When you try searching for tables, use the "%" as a wildcard. So we know Crystal can find the tables but it sounds like the list is longer than Crystal is willing to return. Using the "%" should help you a list of the tables you want.

Using the Owner Like option may help with this as well. Again, you can use the "%" wildcard as well.

Good luck,


Former Member
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Thanks for the update, however I have tried adding the names with %; it only works when i have one value. As soon as I put in a comma and add a new table, I only see command listed in the available items under the connection.



Former Member
0 Kudos

I just needed to follow your second option...the Owner Like option. I did some reading, and it looks like you can only put one value in both Table Like and Owner Like. The (%,_) is just saying that % and _ can both be used for wildcard options (while there are a bit different). I put the owner name in the Owner Like box that I wanted and it worked perfectly!

Thanks for all the help.
