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[SAP 4.2 SP3]LMCBIAR connection right problem

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Dear community,

I actually have a problem when I made a LMCBIAR with only the Universe.

For information, I can access only into the CMC for the destination environment.

When I promote this job :

Without the connection :

With the user security, I promote the job :

But when I want to create a WebI report, I have this error "You do not have th right to access data returned by this universe"


As I cannot access directly to the destination server, do you know how can I manage this problem ?

Thank you !



-All action are made with Administrator or a user from the group "Administrator"

-"Connection" / "Application" / "Unvierse" have the hightest privilege level (Full control)

-I cannot take the connection as the SQL password on the destination environment is not the same as the source one

-After the promotion job, the connection information into destination environment is wrong as he tooks the connection information from the source environment, when we change the connection into the unvierse into destination environment and publish the universe, the error message disapear

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member
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I made a new test on my workflow and the problem is now solved.

The problem was, the connection was created before to import the Universe, so the ID was different.

1- Create a LMCBIAR Universe + Connection

2- On the destination environnment I deleted the connection

3- Promote the LMCBIAR with the connection

4- Change the connection information into the Universe (as the connection was crushed) and publish the universe

From now, I can export / import the universe and the connection is not crushed

Answers (4)

Answers (4)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Denis,

I just edit the post to give more details.

About the workflow :

1-Connect to the CMC with "Administrator"

2-Go to "Promote Management"

3-Create a new job and add the folder where the universe is

4-Check if the connection is not included

5-Check the security user

6-Fill the destination BO server information

7-Save the job

8-Check if all elements are into the LMCBIAR security included

9-Click on "Promote" button

10-Go WebI to the destination server

11-Create a report

12-See the error

The error is solved when the connection is repair into the destination environ, I cannot understand why the connection is crushed on the destination environment.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Joe,

The problem is, the destination environment don't have the same SQL password between the source environment and the destination environment.

If I take the connection with the Universe, the password will be crushed, but my problem here, even if I don't take it, the password is crushed.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

You are not promoting the connection, so the universe is not associated with any connection in the destination environment.

If there is already a connection there that you want to use, you will need to retrieve the universe, point the connection shortcut at the desired connection, and re-publish the universe.

Active Contributor
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I'm not sure I fully understand the exact workflow, but this sounds like either the user you're using to promote doesn't have enough rights to do it or you're not promoting all dependencies or - another possibility, in destination your user doesn't have rights to access universe connection.
I think you should run a webi trace (or E2E trace) and see where exactly the error about returned data comes from.