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Milestone billing problem

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Hi everyone

I m in a complex situation where my client want billing milestone of two material quantity

total value of material is 100





Now first bill when i create for 10% for one qty system picks the value of two quantity which i mention in order billing plan instead of one.

Now i want system should take milestone value based on quantity now complete milstone value copy from order.

Please help me in this.....points will be awarded


Shambhu Sarkar

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During the milestone process, system will not consider the quantity and it consider either the percentage basis or fixed value basis by refering the net value of the document. This is standard SAP behaviour.

As your requirement to bill the customer both on percentage and quantity basis then

Try this

At the time of creation of billing doc through VF01, selection the selection list and try to change the quantity from 2 to 1 then check, if this is not working then

you need fulfill this through ABAP development.

1. Develop a screen and in this the coloumn as -

Sales Order Number (Non editable)

Line item(Non editable)

Quantity(Non editable)

Net Value of item (Non editable)

Mileston Percentage(Non editable)

Billing Value (Net Value * Percentage)

Quantity to Bill (Editable - user enters the quantity to bill)

Net Billing Value (Billing value * Quanity)

In down keep button as SAVE, the movement user click save then you need to run BDC for VF01 background to create billing for quanity to bill.



Former Member
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Can you update whether the Two Material you are mentioning are Same material, but quantity being 2 in same Line Item?

If my understanding is correct and you have a requirement of billing only Quantity 1 at the time of Billing, Ensure to maintain it as a separate Line item for 1 each.


Rajesh Banka

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Hi Shambhu Sarkar,

Once the order or contract of mile stone billing is completed.. do not use t.code VF01 to create invoice... instead use VF04 billing due list.. only due invoice are displayed and u can use the relavent document for invoice...this is the usual way how the client or user follows to create invoice.

Kindly reward points if useful.



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Hi Vamsi

I think u were not understood the question

my requirement is I mentention in the Billing plan

Qty % %Value

2 10 10

now i create the billing on the specific date I put the qty 1 now bill should be create for 5 instead of 10, But system is picking the value 10 instead of 5 (Value 10 is for two quantity)

Hope u now more clear about my requirement