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Using Business View as Data Source

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<p>I am trying to create a business view that a new client can use with the software product my company has developed. For the most part, I am able to reproduce reports our current ad hoc reporting tool does.</p><p>Now comes the "but" part. Aside from some SQL Expressions used to present different forms for dates and names, I pulled existing fields into business elements whenever possible. One business element in particular is causing massive problems. It relates to account history. I checked the data foundation and find the ActHist table is joined to two other tables. When I try to create a report accessing the ActHist business element, the query created generates a massive series of inner join statements. In all, 26 tables are joined; and that&#39;s not counting the account history table which is all I really want to get data from.</p><p>The problem seems to be with this single business element. Unfortunately, account history is an important reporting source so this needs to be remedied.</p><p>Any help will be appreciated.</p>

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Former Member
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<p>It turned out a join was missing in the data foundation. Crystal Reports was apparently following most of the joins set up in an attempt to get the correct data.</p><p>Once I added the join, the problem was solved.</p>

Former Member
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Thanks for posting back that you found the problem. And welcome to Diamond !/modules/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-laughing.gif|title=Laughing|height=18|alt=Laughing|width=18|src=/modules/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-laughing.gif!