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Enter Alternate delivery address for a Plant

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I have multiple company codes with plants for each company code. Assets will all sit in one company code so when I raise a PO I need to put an altenate delivery address in for the Asset. Company 1 holds the assests but the assets will be deliverd to Co 2. the delivery address defaults in by the plant but the plant is company specific.

I cannot open the address up as this will give blanket permission to users to change the delivery address on all orders and audit dont like that.

Is there a way to put in alternative delivery address in, not by plant as I have over 1000

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Former Member
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Go to SPRO

Enterprise structure ->definitionMaterials Management->Maintain Storage location

enter the plant

Enter the storage location

Select the Storage location and click the Address

go for new entries and add the address and save.

Transport request will be created.

While making p.o. enter the storage location so that the address will be picked up

G.Ganesh Kumar

Former Member
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You can maintain alternative delivery address in storage location.There is one icon is there called ADDRESS.

Please find this area where storage location defined.

Best Regards,
