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XPath: contains()

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We are using XPath conditions in the interface determinations to select a specific mapping according to the payload:

e.g. execute mapping I if:


e.g. execute mapping II if:

/ORDERS05[(IDOC/EDI_DC40/MESCOD="IC") and (IDOC/E1EDK14[QUALF="014"]/ORGID!="P475")] and not(contains(/ORDERS05/IDOC/E1EDP01/E1EDP19[QUALF="002"]/IDTNR,"#"))

It works fine for mapping I but if mapping II should be triggered the message fails with: "Unable to find inbound interface".

However, if I test the XPath for the second test IDoc in my XPath test tool it returns TRUE so the XPath should be correct. Could it be that the not() and contains() XPath functions are not supported in XI?

Regards, Tanja

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Hi Tanja,

check this blog:


XPATH expresens must return an element or node, not a boolean value.



Former Member
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Hello Stefan!

> /people/shabarish.vijayakumar/blog/2006/06/07/customise-your-xpath-expressions-in-receiver-determination

Thanks, the blog was very helpful:

"Note : It is not possible to have any operator like 'and', 'or' etc outside the brackets [ ]."

solved my problem. I just changed the XPath to

/ORDERS05[IDOC/EDI_DC40/MESCOD="IC" and IDOC/E1EDK14[QUALF="014"]/ORGID!="P475" and IDOC/E1EDK14[QUALF="014"]/ORGID!="P476" and IDOC/E1EDK14[QUALF="014"]/ORGID!="P477" and IDOC/E1EDK14[QUALF="014"]/ORGID!="P478" and not(contains(/IDOC/E1EDP01/E1EDP19[QUALF="002"]/IDTNR,"#"))]

and now the correct interface mapping is executed!

> XPATH expresens must return an element or node, not a boolean value.

I'm using the XPath in the interface determination, not in the receiver determination. The XPath needs to return TRUE for the interface mapping that needs to be executed. It works as long as you make sure only ONE of the XPaths returns TRUE.

PS: We will meet again at SAP shortly, I have accepted an offer as XI architect in SAP's internal IT starting from April.

Regards, Tanja

Answers (1)

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You are right you can not use not() and contains() with XI.

Here you have to use EX operator for existance operator purpose.

For e.g.

(/FlightBookingOrderConfirmation [BookingID/BookingNumber > 0100] EX)

Please refer below link--see the last paragraphs



Edited by: Swarup Sawant on Jan 30, 2008 11:21 AM

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> You are right you can not use not() and contains() with XI.

It is possible, see /people/shabarish.vijayakumar/blog/2006/06/07/customise-your-xpath-expressions-in-receiver-determination

"Similarly we could use various such XPATH functions like compare(), substring(), string-length() etc according to the needs of design."

Regards, Tanja