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Upvote/downvote counter is off

Active Contributor

After downvoting an answer the counter is set to -1 (correct). But after clicking "arrow up" to remove the downvote (e.g. it was an accident), the counter does not go back to 0, it goes to +1. The math doesn't add up here and it seems that after accidentally downvoting something there is no way to reverse the action without upvoting:

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Active Contributor

The designer/coder has decided that one has to up/down-vote again to reset the up/down vote 🙂

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Not possible to reset 🙂 Tested on your answer!

Active Contributor

Yes. If you upvote, the downvote is canceled and the upvote is your new vote. If you really just want to cancel your vote, you have to click down (in this case) again. The hover text also tells you this (at least it did for me with "Click to cancel upvote"). 🙂

I know, confusing. But that's the way this is now.



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0 Kudos

Hmm, I can do I on Jelena's question... and Sajid's answer here 🙂 Using Desktop Chrome.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Now it's clear! But really confusing. Thanks a lot.

Active Contributor

OK, thanks for clarification! So it's not (-1) + 1 = 0 but (-1) + (-1) = 0. Genius! The hover text is quite delayed, I wouldn't know there was one if it wasn't for your comment. Really brilliant design, soooo intuitive and world-class. </sarcasm off>

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0 Kudos

And if you can't remember if you up-voted or not in the past, you can see the message "You already voted this post." only after you try to up-vote, there is no visual indication like in Idea Place 🙂

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0 Kudos

I hope this is coming soon, it's already suggested and would help make things clearer.

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