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;cannot switch to planning

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Hi friends,

I have a transactional cube,

Data is written to this cube via planning and there is a open request starting with APO_* and it is in the status YELLOW (with less then 100 records).

Now i have loaded some plan data from different cube to this transactional cube by converting it to LOADING Mode.

After the Load, when i am converting the transactional cube back to PLAN mode, it is throwing an error as below,

"Request APO_R4882264JTZCSE59XAPX891A3Y(0000009905) is yellow or red in InfoCube ZUCAPX01; cannot switch to planning"

How can i close automatically the APO request before loading data.



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Answers (3)

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its working now.

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Check Note 1063466 - Transactional request is not set to qualok


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you can set the real-time infobue through environment->automatic request processing-> set quality status to OK(confirm quality of data) , check this flag.

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This setting may not help me as stated in the help

"This function only has effect if you are still using the InfoPackage 3.x to load data. You cannot use this function when you use data transfer processes and process chains as recommended by SAP.:".

I am in BI 7.0.

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Hi youmenbi,

You can use a program "RS closerequest" as ABAP program processtype to close the open the process chain....I dont remeber the exact program name...just search in se38 with the above texts.

This process type would come after/before the data load process.

Hope it helps,


Edited by: Ajay Chauhan on Jan 10, 2008 12:20 AM

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Hi Ajay,

The program name i found is RSSM_CLOSE_PERIODIC_APOREQUEST, this only takes hours as input,

does this program close all request of all real time cubes OR how do i input the cube name.


0 Kudos

Hi youmenbi,

there is another program.....just select closerequest* and search...

i'll let u know if i rememvbefr exact name...


0 Kudos

Hi Youmenbi,

there is one FM ..transaction se37...try this FM..'RSAPO_CLOSE_TRANS_REQUEST'....

create a custom the above FM in that program and call it in ABAP process type

Hope it helps.,


Edited by: Ajay Chauhan on Jan 10, 2008 12:46 AM

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I have the following steps in my PC,

Switch cube to Load mode

Load data from different cube

delete overlapping request

close open request (used FM RSAPO_CLOSE_TRANS_REQUEST in a report program)

switch to PLAN mode.

But still the PC is failing in the last step.

0 Kudos

Hi Youmenbi,

Just check the errors as to why that PC is failing at that step..are u giving the correct parameter to the program....

You can also use the program RSAPO_CLOSE_TRANS_REQUEST_ALL3...this will close all the open requests in all transactional cube in the system...if u are sure that there isno other transaction cube impacted than u can use this...

But i think u shud be able to do that with earliier one also...


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i created a custom report program(Z_BIIP_CLOSE_REQUEST) by calling FM RSAPO_CLOSE_TRANS_REQUEST and passing realtime infocube name and used this in the PC..

the PC gives error on the step when i am switching the realtime cube from LOAD mode to PLAN mode.

it gives the error "the APO request is in yellow; cant switch to planning."

that means still the request is not closed.

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Hi Youmenbi,

just try executing the FM for RSAPO_CLOSE_TRANS_REQUEST directly without the use of process chain and giving your particular infocube....

If it does its job there than there is some thing wrong at process chain side...just let me know by executing the FM standalone.


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Try this FM : RSAPO_SWITCH_TRANS_TO_BATCH - Switch from Plan to load

RSAPO_SWITCH_BATCH_TO_TRANS - Switch from load to plan.

you can create a custom report by calling this FM and include in the process chain.



0 Kudos

Hi Youmenbi,

Try these steps also.....

Switch cube to Load mode

Load data from different cube

delete overlapping request

switch to PLAN mode.

close open request (used FM RSAPO_CLOSE_TRANS_REQUEST in a report program)

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when i execute the FM indivisually also it does not close the request , do you know if i am missing something..

i have already set the setting, set quality status to OK for the realtime infocube..