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Database table for the report S_ALR_87013019

Active Participant
0 Kudos


I am working on an FI object, I need to capture the data that is being displayed as output for the transaction S_ALR_87013019 into internal tables. I understand it is a report painter and is using the structure RWCOOM. But, I want to know exactly from what table it is being displayed.

If anybody is aware of it, can you please let me know?


Adithya K


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

First you need to find out the order's OBJNR from AUFNR

For Commitment you can use the COSP where WRTTP = '22' for all OBJNR

For Budget, you can use the BPEG where WRTTP = '41' for all OBJNR

For Actual, you can use the COPS where WRTTP = '11'


Naimesh Patel

0 Kudos

Hi Naimesh,

Thanks for your fast reply. I have checked the tables, for budget and commitment are good, but for the actuals, I didnt find the table name that you have mentioned in our system. Can you please tell me the table name for the the actuals? And even, I notice that I need to add all the WGT001 to WGT016 for getting the amount that is being displayed by the report. Is it correct?

Also, can you please let me know how did you came to know about the tables that are being used here for this display. Even, I tried to debug the report, I am not able to get. I am new to the report painter concept.

Appreciate your response.


Adithya K