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Content movement

Former Member
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I have a user requirement wherein i have to move files from one folder to another folder after its status changes from " Approval Awaited" to "Published" and then to another folder after its Lifetime reaches the valid till.

Can anyone help.


Edited by: Brijesh Verma on Dec 26, 2007 8:49 AM

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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u can write a custom repository service and liste to the publish event.

then u can move the resource to the destined folder.



Former Member
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Hi BP,

Thanx for ur prompt reply. It will certainly help. Can you also guide me with procedure of doing so !


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Hi Brijesh...

Wat zamir said is exactly true...

So can u tell me wat ur exact requirement...

I think we can do some thing with out a reppository service...

Do get back...



Former Member
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My requirement is as under

There is a common folder shared betwen vendors & organisation (not a collaboratioon room). In this folder the contents are uploaded and goes through the iterations (versions created). The content goes through the approval process and published (two step).Now after , the content is published the USer wants to move it to another folder (for an argument sake call it as "archive" - because if i archive it into the same folder than people with ONLY read permission can NOT view it, where as this view is like gallery of content which anyone can view for a specific time frame using the document lifetime).After the documents validity is expired the content has to move to another folder for which another set of select people will have access.

There is no issue if content looses the approver data as by that the content has already served its purpose.


Edited by: Brijesh Verma on Dec 26, 2007 10:19 AM

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For the purpose of visibility, why do u want to move the contents?

Till, publishing, the documents will never be visible to end users. Only the content editors will be able to see it...

Will this suit ur req???



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what you are saying is correct, but requirement neccessitates the movements.

Await your response.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Brijesh

Follow this url to know abt repository Service.

Once u write ur own repository service attach it to the repository manager u wish to and restart the server.

The event u have to listen is approval event...



Former Member
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Thanks BP, I will take from there , Thanx for your prompt support. I am closing this thread and awarding all the points.

I have another query also, if you can assist.

How do we take the development configuration and data to production.

I am doing it following way-

1 Exporting the system congiguration .

2 Exporting the users, roles and groups.

3 Copying and pasting the folders (from root) to the production using protal drive.

4 Manually setting the Trex for the production.

My concern is that if we export the content through the service export, it does not copy the work flow and pwermissions. It does not even with portal drive copying and pasting or offline content exchange.

What is the best way to transport to production?

How do we copy the folders with permissions and Work flow?

Pl help.



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All KM Contents u need to do with ICE Ttransport

And all other portal or km system prooperties like roles, users and KM Properties are Transported as epa files...



Answers (1)

Answers (1)

0 Kudos


Just know that once you move an approved resource, it looses its approval data.

Best regards,

Avishai Zamir