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Error when testing a Guided Procedure that use a Visual Composer UI

Former Member
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Trying to develop my first Guided Procedure in SAP NW CE 7.1 SR3.

I follow instructions that I earlier have used with CE 7.1 SP1 (in TechEd07), assuming no major changes from SP1 to SR3...

I have defined a Callable Object that is based on a Visual Composer UI.

The Visual Composer UI itself works fine when I test it in Visual Composer but when I try to test the Callable Object I get the following error message:

"Could not load execution container: Did not find active instance for component in running application."

When I click on the error message I get a lot of details of the underlying Java exception:

"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot find view element with ID 9NEfbfuapOdP8O4KnmM19Q in application with namespace null"

(skipped all details...)

Have I missed some step (development or configuration) that is new in CE 7.1 SR3 compared to CE 7.1 SP1?

I have tried to read through the available on-line help but can't find anything that seems to differ...

Are there any examples/tutorials available for CE 7.1 SP3?

Thanks for your help,


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Former Member
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I finally found the error!

It was caused by a design flaw in my VC - model that made the UI terminate immeadetly as soon as it was displayed in the GP-test environment (used an select event instead of submit from a table component to an end point)

So the eror message "Did not find active instance for component" was indeed correct

When correcting this flaw the GP-test also works perfectly!



Active Contributor
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Check if you have selected the "Add Guided Procedure Information" in the options menu in VC. That's required for using a VC component as a GP CO. Also you can check whether you can run the VC component as a stand-alone application. Also if you have redeployed the VC component changing some parameters like the namespace, etc you need to create the the CO afresh.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Dipankar!

Thanks for trying to help me out!

I'm unfortunately having problem with finding the choice "Add Guided Procedure Information" in the options menu in VC.

I have looked in the menu "Tools --> Options" but failed to find this choice.

Is this choice maybe changed in SAP NW CE 7.1 SR3?

Regarding running the VC component as a stand-alone application I can launch the component from VC after deployment and it works fine both as HTML and Flex (I really like the Flex - version :-)!

But if you mean something else with running it stand alone please direct me to some doc-url so I can learn how to do that!

Best Regards,
