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SAP Community and SAP Community Day: Should they have a logo ?

Former Member
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I am preparing material for Community Day, question:

Should SAP Community and SAP Community Day have a logo ?


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Not sure if the "should"...But it would be cool -;) I would love a T-Shirt with Community logo -:)



0 Kudos

should/would. some times the same in my rustic english

0 Kudos

I love graphics and comics and murals as some of you now know.

We can ask do 3 things:

1) ask community for ideas and start a wiki page for their community day graphics (for example one of the BPX community members took a graphic in the BPX wiki and tweaked it to give it an original look) Look at the original, and then look at the bottom of the page: <a href="">geek/suit example</a>

2) use some of the graphics created for us by Nancy Marguiles for TechEd found in the SAP TechEd <a href="">Flickr group</a>

3) enlist the aide of our SCN graphic artist

or a combination of all three...

Here is a page for idea: [url=]Community Logo ideas[/url]

0 Kudos

Sweet! Thanks Marilyn -:)



0 Kudos

three options are valid, I added to wiki page my logo suggestion



0 Kudos

Nice Ignacio. Mark F. warns me that we may come up against the Logo police, but thanks for your creative contribution.

0 Kudos

he...I have a dejavu...and maybe you are not going to like this comment:

Community contributions finish where Proprietary polices begin

0 Kudos

Communities build through trust. I hope we can give space to our participants to evolve their voice without stifling or silencing it. I just hopped over to the site (an autonomous SAP user community) to look at their logo. It's their unique one. Keep the ideas flowing.

0 Kudos

Check logo up here...first you see at corner top left is SAP logo...I am asking myself about "autonomy" of SDN/BPX. I like this community, and I think that people here ( like me ) has an space to give it opinion but I don't think this community is autonomous (from SAP). This thought opens more the discussion. If we have an autonomous community of SAP users, should we have too an autonomous community of SAP developers ( or Business Experts ) ?

Don't worry about logo...If we have it we can use it, but if not...we can make community day without's not essencial.

0 Kudos

That's the heart of the matter, Ignacio. This is the SAP community Network (SDN and BPX). You have to determine if a Community Day is external to or a part of our SAP communities. ASUG is independent. SCN is not. But just like external blogs can have opinions that are not SAP "sanctioned", people are free to meet "beyond SAP". If you do align with SAP on creating community days around the globe, I guess there will be some governance and policy that you will have to work with. If you want the support and cooperation, I guess there is a measure of control/structuring that is introduced. That seems reasonable. By the way, these are the very topics and guidelines we will be looking to establish (together with the community) around the topic of <a href="/people/marilyn.pratt/blog/2007/11/06/sap-community-cares">Corporate Social Responsibility</a>. You made a good comment in the blog entry which I was in the process of responding to. I think there actually are some similar issues there as regards, governance, compliance, standards, transparency. But all in all when a corporate organization wishes to expose itself to community critique around its performance and its behaviour I would say overall there is cause to rejoice

I love the fact that you are getting encouragement and support to create good community interactions by "members" but also aided by SAP. Your blog on that topic as Gregor's on the UK meetup generated good responses and lots of community interest.

0 Kudos

it's totally clear to me that SAP Community Day is part of this community. Never I had dudes about that.

"...I guess there will be some governance and policy that you will have to work with. If you want the support and cooperation, I guess there is a measure of control/structuring that is introduced..."

You are wrong here, you are supposing that I'm going to accept "some governance and policy" that I don't know. You cannot suppose that anybody are going to accept "some policies" without knowing them.

0 Kudos

You make a good point about needing to know or have more guidelines. But since you are headed into relatively "uncharted" waters, you will have to have a little patience about not being able to immediately access those guidelines. I suggest two things: working with the TechTour Team (Christine Godek has been very helpful and I'll forward her this thread), working with the community itself, on your wiki space, through your connections and channels locally to start to form ideas about what makes sense from a community perspective.

0 Kudos

Hi Ignacio,

This thread totally got into the wrong direction. I saw Marilyn creating a logo wiki page and remembered that internally to have an additional logo is an uphill battle and pinged her about it, so that she doesn't get her hopes up too high.

Now if the community creates a logo for their event, who are we to stand in the way of doing that and printing them on the T-Shirts they are giving out. Please don't let us stop you. Just don't expect us to put it on official SAP marketing materials, although you never know.

Same with other guidelines. We are happy that you are organizing a community event. Who are we to set the rules for your event? Of course it should have to do somehow with SAP, please make sure that it is an inclusive event with equal opportunity for eveyone involved. Don't exclude people, don't let any person or company dominate the event. Don't forget to have fun. These are guidelines that you may follow or not. Depending on that you will have more or less participants.

Don't worry. I cool logo in my oppinion is a very nice to have. Mor important is content from passionate users like you that are willing to share.

Please continue, Mark.

P.S. One more thing that I would like to put up for discussion: If it is a regional event and you expect all of the participant to speak the native language, I think it is O.K. to have that wiki page in that native language, if you also want to have the event in that language. What do you think?

0 Kudos

Adding one more Logo to the Wiki done with whatever limited knowledge of GIMP I have...

0 Kudos

Ok Mark,

I'm going to write a blog to invite to community to create and select a logo for SAP Community Day in Buenos Aires. I think we can have until February to receive proposals and make the selection (voting) in March.

About your guidelines (or recommendations) don't worry, I have an special attention giving my collaboration to make this event really open and funny.

