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oss notes access

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Hi , I dont know how to use OSS note.

Can anyone pls tel me how to login and whr to login..

i have been given the oss id and password...pls suggest me how to go ahead and make use of it...its very urgent



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You will see SAP Support portal, under which there is "SAP Notes search" link. Click on the same.

It will ask for user id and password, enter the same. You will be on Find OSS screen. Now enter your selection criteria and start searching for OSS Note.

Check this for more details.

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Ashish Gundawar

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If you know the note you want to implement, use transaction SNOTE to do that.


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Applying OSS note is a critical activity in the system. Usually this task is carried out by the basis, as they maintain the system and the notes, support packs, etc.

A OSS note has potential to impact the system in several ways. So it is better to work with the basis if you need to apply a OSS note to be applied.

Transaction code is Snotes. But pl dont attempt to apply by yourself.

Reg your other question as how to use the OSS note, there is nothing like using aOSS note. Just apply and depending on what the notes do, it may change the config, or download a program or something.

reward point if helpful.



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If you want to implement note using TCODE then use SNOTES transaction...

in which SAP will download the note on the system along with the prerequisite notes...

then one by one implement these notes on the system...

If you waant to apply notes manually ...

then open the note from the internet....

check if all the prerequisite notes have been applied...

then complete the Prerequisites part mentioned in the note...

then select code extract for your SAP version.. and do the code changes

manually... (for this you will require Access Keys of respective Objects)

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SAP Notes

SAP Notes give you instructions on how to remove known errors from SAP Systems. They include a description of the symptoms, the cause of the error, and the SAP Release and Support Package level in which the error occurs.

Depending on the type of error, an SAP Note may also include:


Descriptions of how to correct the source code (called correction instructions)

Links to Support Packages that solve the problem

You can access SAP Notes both from the SAP Service Marketplace and SAPNet - R/3 Frontend.

The Note Assistant can automatically implement only SAP Notes that have correction instructions.

Read the SAP Note carefully before you use the Note Assistant to implement it. The SAP Note can contain prerequisites, interactions, and references to postprocessing activities (making changes to a table, for example) that you must take into consideration when you implement it.

also follow the link given for more details

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crazy user,

OSS notes have been renamed to SAP notes. It used to be the Online Service System, now this is integrated into the SAP service portal SERVICE.SAP.COM. Your Basis people can easily register your SAP system user for SAP SERVICE.SAP.COM access.

You will then get a special ID and initial password for that. This allows the search not only for SAP notes but also lots of documentation, downloads and so on.

Some basis people won't help you with the registering at SERVICE.SAP.COM. This is mainly to avois a decrease in personal importance

And, right, if you know a SAP note number you can download it using transaction SNOTE (No special registration needed). You can read and automatically implement the note using SNOTE. A transport request will be created and definitely the fucntion ahould be tested before transport.



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OSS Note 791297

Submitted by dkaps on Wed, 2006-03-22 12:09.


You can go to and look up this note by using your OSS id!

This is what it says btw:


Deselected element in search result list can still be deleted

Reason and Prerequisites

Program error


Apply correction instructions.

You can get detailed correction instructions from the note itself on the

<b>How to apply OSS notes to my R/3 system?</b>

In order to fix one of the problem in R/3 system, SAP will asked you to download an OSS notes which is a “.car” file.

To work with a CAR File do the following at OS Level:

Get into OS as < sapsid >adm

Copy the .CAR file to a Temporary Directory.

Uncompress the file with SAPCAR

Copy the the data file generated in the data transport directory

( ej: = /usr/Sap/trans/data).

Copy the the cofile file generated in the cofiles transport directory

( = ej: /usr/Sap/trans/cofiles).

<b>Run transaction STMS</b>

Upload the support package with SPAM transaction and the support package will show “New support packages”.

This is a preview of How to apply OSS notes to my R/3 system?. Read the full post (460 words, estimated 1:50 mins reading time)

Filed under: OSS by Shailesh Singh | Comments (0) Related Links: Of the two SAP Notes and Support Package which is best to apply ? | How to apply OSS notes to my R/3 system? | SPAU and SPDD | SPAU and SPDD | What happens to the SAP Notes in my system when I make homogeneous system copies (for example, mirroring of production system to test system)? |

<b>Manually Applying OSS note on SAP Standard Program</b>

In order to apply any OSS note, you have to be authorized by your company and be assigned an OSS ID and password.

For any SAP standard program modification, you are required to login to OSS and request for a repair program Access key.

Follow this step to obtain the Program Access key:

Menu Path: System -> Services -> SAP Service (Transaction code OSS1)

Login in with your OSS ID and Password

Click the Registration button

Click Register Object

Double click R/3 Value Contract

Fill in the Object Registration for Installation:

For e.g.


SAP release: 46C

This is a preview of Manually Applying OSS note on SAP Standard Program. Read the full post (151 words, estimated 36 secs reading time)

Filed under: OSS by Shailesh Singh | Comments (0) Related Links: Manually Applying OSS note on SAP Standard Program | SPAU and SPDD | SPAU and SPDD | How does the Note Assistant know about SAP Notes that have been implemented manually? | Is there a way to implement an SAP Note with prerequisite SAP Notes without implementing the prerequisites? |

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Hi Naresh,

this is a bit confusing.

Yes, you can go to and look up this note by using your OSS id.

But ten you use transaction SNOTE to download and to apply the note in your development system. When applying the note, the system asks for a transport request which is created by the system. SNOTE will also tell you if the note downloaded does not fit the release/support package level of your system.

The transaction SNOTE is a great SAP tool to simplify the process of notes implementation. Just for reasons of upward compatibility it is still possible to do it the stone-age way including manually download, uncompressing and what else.

After SNOTE completion the rest is the standard transport procedure you always do.

<b>No file handling visible!</b>



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