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Partner profiles and ports

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How to transport the configuration of partner profiles and ports from Development to Quality systems.


Former Member
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Hi Kurmala,

I think change for the Partner Profiles and Ports are not recorded in any request.


0 Kudos

Hi Quadri,

Thanks for reply, I know that when we create or change the partner profiles or ports in WE20 or WE21, it won't ask any request numer, then how you will transport that configuration done in development to quality or production.

0 Kudos


i think from partner profile initial screen , choose partner, transport, then system prompts u for the change request

0 Kudos

u r saying that it is in nagpal ALE/IDOC book but it works for version 3.1only

could u tell me how to transfer partnerprofile in version 6.0 ECC

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi vidya,

Go through this hope u can get the solution.

WE20 Partner Profile

Here we create partner profile for each and every partner from / to which

the messages will be exchanged.There are 6 types of PF generally only

profiles of type LS(Logical System) ,KU(Customer) ,LI(Vendor) is used.

We specify the partner number and partner type and the agent and

the agent type responsible for handling of errors .

For every message send to the partner we have a outbound record and for

evry message coming from the partner we have the inbound record .

We specify the message in the otbound/inbound records ,double

clicking will take us to the detailed screen where the IDOC Type ,Port

and whether the IDCO will be immediatelt processed or collected are


WE21 Port Definition.

There are 6 types of ports but only 2 types File and Transactional RFC

types of ports are important.

We have to specify the RFC Destination before a port can be created.

SM59 RFC Destination

Here we specify the login settings for the destination including

the I.P address or Application Server name and the User name and

password.The information entered here is used to run Remote Function

Calls(RFC ) on the destination server .We can create number of types

of RFC Destinations but 3 types are important .

R/3 (R/3 to R/3), LS(logical system) and TCP/IP.

The name of the RFC destination should be same as that of Logical

System as it helps in creation of automatic partner profiles.

BD64 Distribution Model . Also known as Customer Distribution Model Used to

define all the messages that will be exchanged between remote systems

and the name of thes logical systems. Any filters can also be specified.

The model once created has to be distributed on every system which will

be communicating ,It can be maintained on only One system.

Reward points if helpful.


Naveen khan