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Question of bapi_po_create

Former Member
0 Kudos

Where could I input the components' infomation when I use bapi_po_create?Just like I could assign the information in table POCOMPONENTS when I am use the bapi_po_create1 ...

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Voldemort Xu


Former Member
0 Kudos


constants : c_x value 'X'.

data: del_date type sy-datum.

data: pohead type bapimepoheader.

data: poheadx type bapimepoheaderx.

data: exp_head type bapimepoheader.

data: return type table of bapiret2 with header line.

data: poitem type table of bapimepoitem with header line.

data: poitemx type table of bapimepoitemx with header line.

data: posched type table of bapimeposchedule with header line.

data: poschedx type table of bapimeposchedulx with header line.

data: ex_po_number type bapimepoheader-po_number.

parameters: p_matnr type ekpo-matnr.

parameters: p_werks type ekpo-werks.

parameters: p_lgort type ekpo-lgort.

parameters: p_menge type ekpo-menge.

parameters: p_lifnr type ekko-lifnr.

parameters: p_ekorg type ekko-ekorg.

parameters: p_ekgrp type ekko-ekgrp.

parameters: p_bukrs type ekko-bukrs.

  • Header Level Data

pohead-comp_code = p_bukrs.

pohead-doc_type = 'NB' .

pohead-creat_date = sy-datum .

pohead-vendor = p_lifnr.

pohead-purch_org = p_ekorg.

pohead-pur_group = p_ekgrp.

pohead-langu = sy-langu .

pohead-doc_date = sy-datum.

poheadx-comp_code = c_x.

poheadx-doc_type = c_x.

poheadx-creat_date = c_x.

poheadx-vendor = c_x.

poheadx-langu = c_x.

poheadx-purch_org = c_x.

poheadx-pur_group = c_x.

poheadx-doc_date = c_x.

  • Item Level Data

poitem-po_item = 1.

poitem-material = p_matnr.

poitem-plant = p_werks.

poitem-stge_loc = p_lgort.

poitem-quantity = p_menge.

append poitem.

poitemx-po_item = 1.

poitemx-po_itemx = c_x.

poitemx-material = c_x.

poitemx-plant = c_x .

poitemx-stge_loc = c_x .

poitemx-quantity = c_x .

poitemx-tax_code = c_x .

poitemx-item_cat = c_x .

poitemx-acctasscat = c_x .

append poitemx.

  • Schedule Line Level Data

posched-po_item = 1.

posched-sched_line = 1.

posched-del_datcat_ext = 'D'.

del_date = sy-datum + 1.

write del_date to posched-delivery_date.

posched-deliv_time = '000001'.

posched-quantity = p_menge.

append posched.

poschedx-po_item = 1.

poschedx-sched_line = 1.

poschedx-po_itemx = c_x.

poschedx-sched_linex = c_x.

poschedx-del_datcat_ext = c_x.

poschedx-delivery_date = c_x.

poschedx-quantity = c_x.

append poschedx.

call function 'BAPI_PO_CREATE1'


poheader = pohead

poheaderx = poheadx

testrun = ' '


exppurchaseorder = ex_po_number

expheader = exp_head


return = return

poitem = poitem

poitemx = poitemx

poschedule = posched

poschedulex = poschedx.



wait = 'X'.

if not ex_po_number is initial.

call function 'DEQUEUE_ALL'.


call function 'DEQUEUE_ALL'.

  • message i036.
