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What are the plant floor and MES systems?

Former Member
0 Kudos

Can any body explain me what are the above systems and why do we use those in the manufacturing Arena.

Thanks in advance.


Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos


Go through these threads. this may help you. the last thread gives you a lot of information.


Kishore kumar P.S.

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Plant Floor

Down at the base of the enormous canopy trees is the plant floor. This is a dark, still and extremely humid world, alive in a way that's difficult to perceive. The inhabitants here have to eke out a living from the leftovers that fall from above - specks of light, dead leaves and over-ripe fruit. Most of them are involved in decomposing the leaf litter. Termites, soil mites, bacteria and fungi run an efficient recycling plant that returns the nutrients to the soil almost as fast as they arrive.


Main Engine Start

Malaysian Endodontic Society

Management Engineering Squadron

Manawatu Evening Standard (New Zealand newspaper)

Manufacturing Execution Systems

Maple Equipment Specialists

Marconi Electronic Systems

Marine Evacuation System

Marketable Equity Securities

Master Earth Station

Measurement Evaluation System (semiconductors)

Mechanical Event Simulator

Medan, Indonesia - Polonia (Airport Code)

Medical Equipment Sets

Medical Expense Statement

Medium Errored Second (31-320 errors/second)

Medium-Energy Source

Message Entry System

Methanesulfonic Acid

Metro Ethernet Services

Microembolic Signals (transcranial doppler monitoring)

Microfilm Exposure System

Microsoft Exchange System

Military Engineering Services

Military Essentiality Status

Mine Effects Simulator

Mines Effects Simulation

Miniature Edison Screw (type of cap on electric bulb)

Minimum Efficient Scale (economics)

Ministério do Equipamento Social (Portuguese Ministry for the Social Equipment)

Mis En Scene (film terminology)

Miscellaneous Equipment Specifications

Mission Electronic System

Mississippi Engineering Society

Mitered End Section

Mobile Earth Station (INMARSAT)

Mobile End System

Money Ethic Scale

Mossbauer Emission Spectroscopy

Motor End Support

Multilateral Education System

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear Bob,

Your answer is smart and innovative but this is not the place to collaborate like that.

I suppose you have to follow some rules in this forum and i believe first thread in every forum is guys like you to read.

I hope you follow the rules of this forum from now.

Moderators. Please filter this.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear Hari,

Thank you for your kind comments. I actually am very familiar with the rules of the forum. There is nothing in the rules against providing legitimate, albeit incorrect or non-intended, answers to questions.

However, the rules do suggest that you sort of use the forums after exhausting other possibilities, like:

- reading/searching previous posts

- putting forward some level of effort prior to posting on the SDN

- as well as awarding points for answers to questions.

I suggest you may wish to visit the rules of this forum which coincidentally is the first thread of this forum and very well might be there for "guys like you to read."

Former Member
0 Kudos


No rule has to say that one shouldn't reply like that , Common sense is enough.

The person who post in this forum has purpose and looks desperately for some meaningful answers.

I don't really want to offend you.If that is the case,i am really sorry.

Any way thanks for the reply.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos


Maybe and would be a better place to start with a question that vague.


Jeremy Good